Food of the day

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May 1, 2008

labour day!!!

labour day = TRIPLE pay!!*applause please...* erm... actually it should be public holiday = TRIPLE pay. haha.... was on morning shift. so... i'll be getting around RM100+ for standing for nine hours. teeheehee.... regretted something. should have requested for full shift when my manager said that the counter there might not have enough staffs...*cries..* if i requested.. i'd have about RM150..T.T *stomping feet*
who to blame.... blame my stupidity....x_x

it's 1st of may.. time flies in just a blink of eye. well... time always flies. just that we dont realise that. hehe...
should i or should i not to go for the july intake of local university? in a great dillemma... brother's off to miri soon. after he's off, it'd left me and my mum and also my precious darling.*my cat* then if i go for the july intake, it'll left only my mum alone with her friends and my precious darling here.*sigh long long* anyone can tell me what to do please....
if i were to go for the september intake.... i can accompany my mum for a longer time. can be with my precious darling and my darling for a longer time too... and and and can earn more money for the sake of my pocket money when going for local university.haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

oya!!! padini concept store at the spring,kuching would like to look for some temporary workers. chinese if can.*not racism here...* cause those creating problems are mostly non-cinese. anyone interested please to and ask for forms to fill. thanks...........
feel so bad... cause i still 'bio' engtau kias. sorry darling...................... i'll kick this habit off asap. love u lotz.................... =)

still coughing. still dun wanna go for doctor.

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