Mar 30, 2008
sleepy zzzZZZzzz
suddenly there came a text from ian asking me to go find him at 1230, just to accompany him for lunch.-.-" was scolded 'ngiau chi' cause i didnt wan to go. so..... ended up went to the same coffee shop opposite springie. heeeellllppppppppp!!!!!!!
andrew was there as well. a minute or two later, there came more colleagues. fadzril asked if me noon shift. i said 'nope, today me off'. then he was like 'huh?' cause i was there. they looked at ian agAIN, then 'ooooOOO...' ian said i miss him tat's why i appeared.*Lord...sweating...*
i truly accompanied ian for lunch lor... cause i didnt have mine there but went McD with my gf instead. i went there for drink nia nia.... zzzzZZZzzzzz................... he's so kejam ler... purposely went there but kena suan-ed by him and andrew agAIN. sienzzzzzz.....
creax, an early 20th burfdae wish.. in case me not online tomaro...
happy happy burfdae!^^
off day
there shouldnt be any off day on weekends, i'm having mine today just for this week. no more for the coming weeks.*sigh siGH*
tired........muscles still aching.had more scratches on my body parts.T.T
gastric pain agAIN on thursday after my dinner.
was super duper hungry at 4sth, but our dinner time was 6pm.*ouh Lord..*
went Kluang station for dinner with ian agAIN, without andrew. ordered the mee siam which is spicy. gastric after 10-15mins later. sien.... springie has no pharmacy kind of outlets, plus plus i didnt hav my pill along with me as i couldnt even remember where did i place the ONE AND ONLY gastric pill at. ended up suffering from the pain for few hours till 10pm.=( ian kept scolding me stupid for this and that. grrrrrrrrRRR.... of cause, i did fight back.+evil laugh+ even andrew, learned from ian to suan me as much as he can. yesterday during the lunch oso paired up with ian to suan me in front of teck shin and anather guy. isssshhhhhhhhHH....
almost everyone thinks that there's sth abnormal between me and ian. seniors from KL think so too. cause they saw us 'berdua-duaan' at Kluang station. i pengsan liao tell u ppl....XD some more, we happened to wear pink tee. and the story gets more...... 'panas'.*swt.....*
saw ylm's friend brought his gf to our outlet for job yesterday. it did shock me for a while, hope that he wont tell ylm that i'm now working with padini. finally made an effort to delete all the texts from him. la la la la la la.......
Mar 27, 2008
Super tired. Bones feel like falling apart d… imagine—three containers. Three man! Big ones some more. Not alang-alang de ei…*dead*
Although it’s tiring, kinda fun too. Haha….=D
Woke up at six sth tis morning,cause ian asked to go for breakfast at kaya n toast as I tumpang his car go work. Lazy to drive mer……..+evil laugh+
Started working at about 8sth after the arrival of the first container. The first container was tidious cause of with plastic bags along. Few times half way moving the stocks, was dizzy and felt like vomiting.*having low blood pressure instead of hiGH blood pressure.=(*
10sth, we had a break. Ian asked me to go for a drink by saying tat the manager treats. Went.*free drink worh… who doesn’t wanna go..* went to a coffee shop opposite springie. When started walking, I knew he cheated me. Nvm nvm… he treated me.[clap clap] Same lah,free drink mer… haha…*we werent there ourselves,there was anather guy, andrew along as well* ian and andrew chatted. Me a gurl there, nth can be done except listening to their conversation. I need dettol or sth like tat after listening to their conversation. Foul words here and there, with some yellow jokes.x_x I was dead agAIN cause both of them are smokers.+_+
after the break, continue working like wat. It was FUN for the second round. Stocks were in the mall d… so….. as there are smooth tiles….. everyone played with the tiles.*erm….play as in we just slipped the cartons instead of carrying it.* fun fun fun… it was memang FUN! Haha…
lunch, walked to anather coffee shop opposite springie. Still, with ian and andrew. Cause ian asked me to follow him. So…. Follow lor…=p
went down to warehouse when ehren asked for help. Didn’t know ian was at the basement dealing with vincci’s stocks by then. When saw him there, he asked me to follow him agAIN to help him to open doors.*swt….*
home almost 6pm. Real tiring. Muscles started aching now….T.T looking at both my hand and leg, scratches here and there.*cries..*
half and hour of bath I had. Nice…. Cool…. Refreshing….. undescribable…. Wahahahaha….
Around 8pm orang gila called*it’s ian actly.* asking if wanna go out hav a drink. Watdya think? My heart was screaming "crazieeeeee…." Haha…. He memang energetic lor… still got energy to go out lepak after an hour or two de nap. I’m not tat keng. Surrender….x_x
For the whole day,he kept bullying me. Stefan, I didn’t wan to ‘fight’,kay? He bullied me first de ler…. Heard ppl asked if me and ian are couples not.*swt long long……* wat to do… colleagues there saw both of us always together wat…..
he is not an ideal guy for life-long. *personal opinion.haha..* just fooling around, can. Not life-long. Can be seen tat he’s the play play type. Gurls past by, bio, until they are off from his eyesight. Haha…
gurls, wanna have free meals? Ask guys along, they will PAY for u. haha….
Full shift tomorrow, nitez all.. sweet dreams!^^
Mar 25, 2008
padini holdings' training.+_+
When the session started, the trainer, alec, wanted us to find a partner who’s under different brand. Hmm… as I’m under operation team, so I can just find anyone to be my partner. My table has six ppl including me.*five gals and a guy* well.. the other four gals paired up among themselves, left me and tat guy. Without much choices, I paired up with him. a new friend here, named ian lo wei liang doing diploma in business at ftms. He’s under padini brand.Amazingly, we are of the same age. After few questions, amazingly, he was from SMB St Thomas and was kelvin foo’s*my classmate* form two’s classmate. But he didn’t go for form six. Some more, the two guys’ handwriting are the same.*ian and kelvin*
We had gift-making session. Gift was made from a piece of A4 paper according to own creativity. So… what did I make for ian.. hmm… I’m kinda sucks in handicraft, so made him a paper bird*that’s the only ‘complicated’ thingy I know how to do.*
After some talking by alec, we had breakfast. But I didn’t go for it, cause I had mine during my journey to kingwood inn.
After the breakfast, we were asked to introduce our partners in front of the crowd and give the gift we made to our partner before ending. He made me an angpau, with some wording.*swt long long…*
Then we had a session named ‘top gun berhad’. We had to make a tower to hold as much pingpong balls and tennis balls as it can from pegs, satay sticks and wooden chopsticks. 30mins was given. Basically we wasted our first 10-15mins in dunno what thing. When alec shouted ‘ten more mins!’,we started panicking. So… our tower was done in tat 10 mins.*keng le….?clap clap..*
After lunch, talkings by alec again. Then we had group discussion and presentation. Ian was kinda cruel. Guess wat.. he DEMANDed me not to use the same bullet for each point. Man,so many points ei…. My creativity almost came to an end when there’re still few more points to go.*cries* he has an itchy hand. Cant let him have any marker or highlighter on hand, he’ll draw and colour.*even the table cloth he oso draw.swt…* Nearly use a marker to colour my handphone’s hanger as well.*ouh God…*
Some old thomians who are of the same age as mine may know him. So far… he’s quite a nice guy.*apparently nia nia...i don’t really know him* kinda good looking alil oso..*almost the same type as kelvin.but, wont go for him.* Lol… something alil bad is that he’s a smoker..*marks deducted marks deducted.haha….*
Then we had an activity before dismissed.. *nice one.. can play it when having trip.hehe..*
Tired… memang tired… will hav an early bedtime today I guess…+_+
Mar 24, 2008
miracle sarah!!
Back in 1988,in an afternoon of 8th of dec,a little baby gurl was born,named sookyen. I’m blessed.
During the year of 1988 till 1998,I’d always longed to go church. But my parents were buddhist.
Year of 1998, I thank God for the broken family,which brought me back to Lord Jesus. For every baby was born, is a spirit brought to the earth from heaven.why do I thanked God for that? Cause I met my SCS(so called stepfather) who is a mr nice guy. Much more better than my biological father. I thanked God for my dad beaten me up when he was drunk. Cause I’d a chance to court and had a look on it. Bet most of u guys will never know how does a court looks like heh..? hehe… see? How blessed am I!!!!^^
Year of 2000,I thank God for the UPSR results I had. Although it wasn’t straight A’s,but I still thank God. Cause my teacher predicted a 2A’s for me. But my results was far better than that.
I thank God I went to SMK Kuching High for my secondary level. It’s indeed a blessing.
Year of 2003, I thanked God for the PMR results. Although I nearly got a straight, I still praise the Lord for that. Cause I only got 2A’s for my mock.
Christmas of 2004, I thank God for I was reborn again in the name of Father Lord, Son of God and Holy Spirit. I was baptisted!!
Year of 2005, I thank God that He blessed me with a service on youth. Eventhough only as a small usher, I do feel good by serving Him so. He died for me, I must do something to give thanks.
Year of 2006, I thank God for my SPM results. Although it’s still a distance towards a straight, I still praise the Lord. Cause I only got around 2A’s for my mock, and my higher secondary was really sucks. I thank God for SMB St Thomas, I thank God for I had the urge to join ISCF. I thank God for the post of treasurer. I’m unworthy for such a high ranking post cause I never joined ISCF back in Kuching High.
Year of 2007, I thank God for He blessed me with a car through my dad. I thank God for the mock results. Both mock 1 and 2. cause I didn’t prepare well for that. And for mock one, weeks before that I was busying with Kidsgames.*can refer to my old blog and read how did I prepare for my second mock* I thank God for moderate results I got for mock 1. I know, it’s all because of Him as I was busying with God’s work.*kidsgames was to bring the children nearer to Lord*
Year of 2008, I thank God for the STPM results. It might be lame-r than most of ppl out there, but I know, if not by Him, I wont be getting such results. I thank God for the job I hav now. I’m really blessed.
Throughout my years in this wonderful and amazing world, I thank God for all the friends I have around me.*no matter who you are* For I know, u all are my angels that Jesus sent. u guys gave me laughters and supports when I’m down…*esp kelyn*
specially to my ex, lok lok, mr y, and ylm. I thank God for ur existance. To my ex, I thank God that I met u, through u, I know that a relationship wont be going on with happiness by forcing. to the latter three.. I thank God that I met u guys as well… through u guys, I’ve learned lotsa things. To my church brothers and sisters *no matter u guys read this or not* I thank God that I have u ppl in my life.
Hereby, I really wanted to say “I love u guys and gurls.”
Lord Jesus,I know You’ll surely be reading this, cause I believe You’re standing beside me when I’m typing all these. Lord Jesus, I thank You for all the ups and downs that You gave me. You don’t simply give me challenges. You have your purpose for all the challenges I faced, am facing, and going to face. I really thank You,Lord, for all the ups and downs,I’m a tough and independent gurl by today. Lord, use me, fit me in ur plan. Lord, I give you my life for my life was given by You. Lord, I’m unworthy for Your love for I’m a sinner. Yet Lord, u love me and bless me since I was born, u crucified for the people in this world including me! Lord, I’m unworthy to cry for ur comfort when I was badly hurt, for I know Lord, the pain u suffered can never compete with those I gained.
Have a blessed easter people!
Mar 22, 2008
sarah: erm… not so bad… went lee’s coffee shop nearby my apartment this morning with mum.
panda: anything special about tat coffee shop?
sarah: food there nice…………
panda: that’s all? guess sth happened?
sarah: ermm… you know.. today’s public holiday. so couples brought their children along. i….. ermm i bidded a little gurl goodbye when she’s about to off.
panda: uh huh… then?
sarah: eeeeeee….. that makes me recall of some incident.
panda: like..?
sarah: there was a day during the days of STPM, i was in the mbks library doing revision. YLM was there as well.. saw a kid having fun with his dad and i paused studying. Suddenly there came a text from YLM asking me to stop staring at that lil kid….
panda: ouh sarah… com'on.. why YLM agAIN?….
sarah: i…. i….. i…..*siGH*
panda: cant u just let go?
sarah: ………………………
panda: why are u so stupid to continue waiting?
sarah: i….. i…. i just dunno… somehow i still think that it brings no harm.
panda: wake up,sarah! he’s not worth of ur waiting. there’re lotsa guys better than him out there! he doesn’t appreciate u, why still wait? it’s pointless! u’re just more than stupid!
sarah: but but but he did apologize for hurting me so…
panda: apologize? if the phrase “I’m sorry” is so powerful,there’ll be no suicide cases in this world! n,dya think he’s sincere?
sarah: i… i… i’m not sure…
panda: i bet he wasn’t sincere! see? time for you to give up! just let go….
sarah: it’s not easy to let go either….. actly I just wanna be normal fren with him…. but he seemed reluctant to do so.. i… i… i dunno. i’m confused. i’m lost. i’ve lost myself….T.T
panda: u better let go as soon as possible. u're not very deep into him. it's just not even half a year...
sarah: i dunno...
panda: dunno? dunno wat? u stupid gal! just let go. what's so hard?
sarah: erm.. give me some time at least?
panda: u've got to get this thing done as soon as possible.
sarah: ouh gosh!
panda: wat?
sarah: he still owe me a dinner. he promised to bring me for a dinner during my 19th burfdae...
panda: u....!!! u're hopeless!
sarah: ...................
Mar 21, 2008
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
ask God.
2.If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?
some kind of erm.....witch?so that i can know what's YLM thinking.blek...
3.If you were stranded on an desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?
yinkit--crazy gal,will hav lotsa fun
ojibala--he sounds fun to mix with
kelyn--can share everything wit her.
4.Where is the place that you want to go most?
paris!!!!but raymond said paris is so lame ler...T.T
5.If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
PhD in architecture
6.DO you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
of cause! i saw it before wat
7.what are you afraid to lose the most right now?
YLM..eventhough he treated me like that..x_x
8. What cheers you up for the rest of the day?
sitcoms. might be blogging at times
9.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
10.List out three good things of the person who tagged you.ah kit tagged me..good things about her ar...ermm...friendly..brilliant..and and and...easy to mix with.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
nothing special. will think about that next time.=)
12.What type of person do you hate the most?
promise breaker!!!!
13.What would you do if you won a million dollars?
14.What is your ambition?
15.What would you wanna be after you're dead?
erm...nothing.nothing will be more special than being with God in the heaven.=)16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
straight forward--esp in confessing.hahahahaha...
17. what is your favourite color?
green at the moment
18.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
presence of God!!
19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
PhD in architecture
20. Happiest moment in your life.
Having friends all around me!!love u all...muacks....XD
gonna tag....
1) kelyn
2) chuan
3) jacky
4) phillip
5) ojibala
6) andir
7) kenny
8) roderick
sorry for tagging u all...:)
who the heck do you think you are
to treat me like nuts?
i did nothing wrong k?
the only thing that i did wrongly is to fall for you!
i didnt kow its wrong!
my Lord didnt tell me that i've picked a wrong guy agAIN!
do you have to give me such response?
pretended you didnt see me
and ignored my text?
where have i done wrong?
u looked so....................
yet the inner you are so......................
look can be very deceiving.
fine,i'm deceived.
prayed for you during STPM
for every papers.
when you claimed that
you were not feeling well
i prayed,
so that u could do your papers
in a better condition
go! go ask people around you
see who did that for you?
she wont even care to pray for you!
people around might say,
you'll meet someone who will appreciate.
no more d...
after him no more d...
my heart was broken.
i'm totally D.E.A.D.
when i said
i'll stay single in years' time
just for you,
i mean it!
couldnt differentiate
which is my tears
and which is water
when having shower after i got home from SUPP last night
tzesong,ah tat....
why asked me go there?
the illustration u guys gave me was like
'if you dont go,u'll lose alot'
but now.......
panda is dead agAIN!
kit,i've got no mood for the tag,give me time,i'll do it some other day.
Mar 20, 2008
final decision
aha.. was busy for the whole morning. hmm.... sigh...
eeeeeeeeeeee..... dont feel like to blog. cause dont know what to write. blurb... sien sien de...
final decision:
finally, got my courses thingy updated.
there are eight choices. i really have no idea of what else to take up apart from architecturial.
out of eight choices,i have three for architecturial. [for the sains senibina..i dont know what's that. i saw senibina, thinking that it might be some kind of architecturial courses]
two for civil engineering. i just chooose for fun. i have totally NO interest in it.
the pengurusan pengurusan thingy... chose it cause they're money making courses.*i guess...blek..*
the first two choices need to undergo interview and test. i'm basically DEAD ki.. interview sure no problem..*muka tebalnya...* but test worh... sei lar..*pronounce in cantonese* my drawing kinda sucks ler.. plus plus didnt get hold of any pencil to scribble any simple drawings recently.. during schooling days i did draw.. *some stupid drawings* i drew when i have a piece of rough paper and also during school exams *if only i left some time before papers were handed in.*but now... no schooling = lazy to get hold of pencil for anything. *sigh sigh siGH*
UTM.. it's always my dream uni. that's why it's my first choice. haha...
zookeeper choose mechanical engineering and telecommunication. keng lar him.. NGMP lower than me mechanical engineering kok eh... cool.... but he chose uni which offer lower NGMP like UniMAP. i was like "apa tu?" when he told me he's after UniMAP. he said it's in perlis. then i was like "oooo..... cheh..." very mean hor? paiseh lar...
hmm... different uni. agAIN... ouh okay.. nvm... who cares? haha....
sugar cane:
so kek tio today.... cause of some stupid fellow. memang kek tio.*swt long long..*
bought mum a what spa foot massager last friday from watson after i got my pay of about RM100 from pertama. got about 20% discount. and mum said buy one for her before.. so buy lar.. hehe...
when i gave her... she nearly scrEAMED at me ler..*swt...*
"why waste that kind of money?"
"better save your money for petrol lar..."
kektio..agAIN.. *swt longer*
then i "heheeeeee...." like that.. haha..
nvm lor... the most is treat it as Mother's Day present lor.. if by that time me still money crisis, then that massager will be the 08's mother's day present lor... hehe...
april.... i long for the coming of april.. then can go back miri visit grandma liao... hehe...
Mar 18, 2008
eboon sick.zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzzz...ended up had a quite err uhm quite dont-know-what-to-do morning.suddenly had a walk-in decoder which required me to service it on the spot God,didnt get scolded by the customer for they'd waited for about an hour.
dating at springie last saturday after worked.switched to sushi king after had our drink at the stupid food date mate...................................................*oi!come back!dont think till very far kay?* my date mate is of my buddies lai de..we should be going out on the 8th,but she had chicken pox,so postponed our date.teeheehee.....
we had a lonG and nice chat.yeah,lonG.
we chatted everything and people around us.after around half an hour at the food court,we went to sushi king. *well...sushi king wasnt in our plan.we just went there without second hesitation.hehe...XD* around 2sth we went sushi king,then we were off from there around 4pm. *thought springie collecting parking fee mer..=p* then went to her house.sat at her place chatted agAIN till 5sth when her mum's back i baru went home.cause didnt want to leave her alone in her house mer..^^
this gurl...haha....she has a super nice guy liao..i'm very happy for's true,very happy.
they started on her 20th burfdae.sweet isnt it?hehe...
her guy is a very nice guy.hence,i'm very happy for her.
friends around me mostly not single anymore.those singles...are countable.haha...
hmm hmm...
i'm S.A.D. haha...
S.A.D. as in 'single,available but Not desperate'. lol....
these thingy...i'm not very....err dunno how to say. just..depends.i'm sure Lord has prepared one for i'm not desperate for it.
MrYap,u're wrong for one thing.hehe...
he said one tend to feel lonely when seeing couples around.*can i oppose it?*lol...
i dont feel the loneliness tho..*last time maybe i'll feel so,but not now d..* i feel happy for them instead.haha...
sugar cane:
'lok lok' seems to get very emo these days.i dont know why...*the stupid nick wasnt from me*
his blog's posts sound very emo.perhaps he really got hurt. *his blog link is on my links there,guess urself if wanna know which one is his,cant really tell u ppl who he is,cause he's kinda eminent among thomians and highians*
may God bless him.and and and not to forget also my readers.haha...
i need more and more and more time!!!
to let go...
p/s:U6S3'07 of st thomas,gathering anyone?
Mar 16, 2008
kinda confused with some Lord-doent-want-me-to-do thingy these two days instead of worrying about Lord-has-planned-for-me thingy.
went youth last night after teaching.the atmosphere was kinda youth leader said most of the youth's spiritual life dont grow these few mths.*me kena!* i think my spiritual life doesnt grow well's in critical condition d...*blurb..* most of the youths last night shed their tears,but i was smiling all the way. *i juz didnt know why* ppl cried,but i smiled!amazing isnt it?perhaps Lord Jesus is happy that i went to youth last night that's why i was smiling.[piak!muka tebalnya...XD]
i gave thanks for everything that i have now.even i'm facing money crisis about furthering my studies,i still have no worries after it.*well..of cause i do worry a bit,i'm not a saint ei..*
i told God that i hand over everything in my life into His mercy hand.
mum said by hook or by crook,i must continue answer in my heart was "i dont care much d,everything is in God's hand".just like what i told MrYap in his blog's comment--"For God's plan do not harm" *it's from Jeremiah 29.forget verse what d..paiseh..*
Lord says "even the birds in the sky dont worry of what to eat,flowers dont worry of what to wear,so why do we human who are the most precious one worry about tomorrow?"[dont ask me which book and which verse,i forget liao...blek..]
rachel said STPM's results can tahan for ten years,eboon said five years.alright then.i can work for mths or a year to save money.then only i'll further my dream course.=D despite all,i still have to follow God's Lord loves me sooooOOOOOO much that i believe He wont want me to end up with a STPM cert.*clap clap...*
i'm happy.^^ for nothing.yea,cause i dont know why i'm happy.i'm just simply very happy.ehee..
*versus are not picked directly from bible,i just spiak whatever i remember,it may varied from bible's versus.sorry.......*
sugar cane:
prayer meeting tonight!!gonna give thanks to my Lord agAIN.hehe...
Mar 14, 2008
let go=let go.means no more special feelings or special care.
i still care.i'm delighted with his achievements.i still miss those memories.every words he said.every moment we's impossible to let go of certain person u crushed so much in just few months.cause u'r deep deep DEEP in love with him.
i took about a year to let go off 'lok lok'. Him.......................... i dunno liao.dead.
i'm dead..sarah is so...
Mar 13, 2008
cry on my shoulder
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's a destiny
The best things in life
They're free
But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
-cry on my shoulder
came across this song moments ago.
searched the lyrics at tat instant
a touching song.
in the end,
i got moody again.
so far...i never break any
do i deserve to be treated so?
promises made but broken.........................
Glory to the Almighty ones..^^
i H.A.T.E gastric pills!!!!!!!!!!!they taste sucks.when u first take,u might think it tastes nice.minty mar...second time,still ok.not bad....after few years,u'll say "YUCKS!it tastes sucks!". so...guess what...gastric pain agAIN lor...sienz..........................................................
Glory to the Almighty Lord:[kudos to sarah's hardwork as well]
STPM's results was released on yesterday's 12nn.i didnt dare to check online *free internet usage is just in front of me*.didnt dare to check thru sms *my xcuse was "sms very mahal"*.didnt dare go school as well.i'm lame.i'm a COWARD.[okay,u guys might have known this through the previous post.hehe...]
but by hook or by crook,i also have to go school and take my choice.i dragged until 1pm.then only i drove to school.SMB ST Thomas.
after i got my slip,i didnt dare to open.miss ho,my PA teacher,wanted so much to know my results.but i didnt dare to open to have a look on the slip was opened by her!!!*laugh lor....i admit i'm lame and i'm a coward d what...XD*
miss ho then there 'bio' my slip with anather teacher[dunno the name].i walked far far far far FAR away from miss ho.stood behind a school worker.guess what..he LAUGHED at me.*grrrrrRRR.....dont like that mar...people tension worh...*
after few minutes,the 'unknown' teacher kept nodding her head,miss ho also smiled.then i was like "ooo?got good news har?" hehe...i quickly moved forward to miss ho there.looked at my slip..
da danGGGGGGG................................................
Maths T-3.00
*wheeeeeeEEheeeeee.......* straight.....................................B's bor,with 3B and 1B- tho....always hoped for a straight B's in public exams but never get it before,now i hav straight B's.teeheehee.......
a little bit sad was the stupid chem[or god d*** chem<---zookeeper said de].eversince f4,i always did better in chem than physics in school tests,but when it came to public exam,my physics has better grade than chem.wat NGMP of 2.92...NEARLY get 3 flat eh.....NEARLY ouh...sienz................
nevermind lar....i really thank God for what i have.i dont blame.but thank God.^^
my Lord God always bless me..especially in my studies.hehe....
i'm super happie...=D
i beat my zookeeper!!wahahaha.... *am i mean?blek..sorry lor...* hmm...his results...he got 1B+,2B- and 1C+.wahahahahaha.....
my zookeeper always appeared to be better than me.cause what...when having revision in libraries,i was the one who always met problems in studies and he always solved it old friend,a classmate of his also said that he's plus he said his mum expected A's from when i got 2.92,my thinking was "his must be much higher than me".who knows...surprisingly..i beat him!so.....i'm super happy.^^
and then ha...............
i beat lok lok agAIN!wheeheeee..... *alright,who's lok lok?he's a year older than short,i wasted three years on him.[not wasted also]two years of crushing and one year of letting go.clear now?*
PMR i beated him,so did happiness is undescribable.
so...back to further studies.
courses to choose.
chose senibina,pengurusan perniagaan,ukur bahan,pemasaran,perniagaan antarabangsa and pengurusan harta tanah.never ever ask me what are those courses.they're all in stupid BM instead of DONT know.hehe....
so kektio.celaka old man wanna fight with me eh....he also wants architecture.*geram betulnya...* his results better than mine eh...3B+ and 1B worh....ishhhhHH...not gentlemen enough lar...i want architecture he also fight civil with him lor....hehe...
thank God...
praise the Lord!
praise the Lord!
praise the Lord!
praise the LORD!
sugar cane:
aha...backache agAIN...some will know whatsup.*some only...*
thinking of not to teach tonight.cant even sit straigh ler....T.T
Mar 11, 2008
you're at normah right now.
texted u for a lunch but u said u cant
wanna ask why u're there.
but i hav no courage to reply and ask
which of ur family member is being charged?
i wanna know
i wanna ask
i juz wanna care
i dont have the courage to do so
i know
i'm lame
okay,i'm lame
throughout these days
whenever i thought of texting u
i need courages
i NEED courages
i dont really dare to text
i'm such a COWARD!!!!
no mood for it.
skipping it.
panda getting moody again
Mar 8, 2008
election fever
vote for DAP
DAP will be at 7th mile and chong lin park tonight.go and listen to their interesting and funny speeches tonight.It's pointless to sue me.i'm not even 20 yet.if u people sue me for these thingy,then what is "kebebasan bersuara" for?what more to say those i said are FACTS!
sugar cane:
should i or should i not go teach tonight?the principal only get those weak like wat de for me to teach,then at the end of the class i'm done.lotsa cells are if i'm super duper patient.imagine lar!!!a primary two kid doesnt even know how to do the sum of 5-3=2.really keksi ki ler...x_x
Mar 7, 2008
sweet dreams
having a busy working hours these two days.dunno why suddenly so many cases to deal with..hence i owe technicians all over sarawak boards.besides boards,still boards.haiz...wonder if the company has a six sense that i'm leaving soon,that's why so many cases suddenly APPEAR!more than 30 cases since monday.first time eh....break record arrr....teeheehee....
sweet dreams:
didnt go teach these two nights.mum cheng-ed me for the little pay i got from Pertama there...zzzZZ..
so for the past two nights basically i stayed at home watching tv after dinner and bath.wahaha..
the last night me very lame ler...*cries*
guess what..half way watching tv i dozed off at the was only,9.30pm nia nia me zzzZZZzzzz ki the time i got up,it was 10.45pm.o 'angel on mission' was missed!d***...i chase it every night de...even i got home by 9sth after tuition,i'd have a quick bath to have that sitcom on time.sei lar...[spiak in cantonese] i missed a series..tonight missing another series agAIN i guess...[family dinner precious grandma here in kch before she went to singapore on cruise with my aunt.hehe...]
when i woke up by 10sth last night,found that astro was off.and since it only left about 15min for the sitcom to finish,there's no kick to continue.went back to my room and....zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZ....
had a super duper sweet was so sweet that i didnt feel like to wake up this morning.haha...XD
errrrRR..if you all were to ask what's my dream all about..frankly,i dont know how to put it in words.well..i do wanna share,but truly,i dunno how to put it in words or describe it.teeheehee......ermm...sth can be related to my dream is the song "would u be there" by Redwan Ali.*pay attention to the lyrics esp*'s indeed super *jealous not?wakakaka....someone say jealous liao...teeheehee...*
sugar cane:
looking forward to 2nd of going back to miri!haha....then i can see my grandma agAIN!!huhu...
Mar 6, 2008
laughter the best medicine
raining day agAIN...hate arrr....sienz.......................
Why Chinese Shouldn't Have Christian Name?
friend forwarded a mail to me.i did hav a good laugh when reading through.alright,since i have nothing much to share about my day,share this to ya all..
Anne Chang> (Mandarin)-Dirty
Anne Chin>(Mandarin) - Keep quite
Faye Chen> (Mandarin) - Dusty
Carl Cheng> (Mandarin) - Buttock
Monica Cheng> (Hokkien) - Touching your buttocks
Lucy Leow> (Hokkien) - You are dead
Jane Tan > (Mandarin) - Frying eggs
Suzie Leow > (Hokkien) - Lost till death
Henry Mah> (Mandarin) - Hate your mum
Corrine Tai> (Hokkien) - Poor fellow
Paul Chan> (Mandarin) - Bankrupt
Nelson Tan> (Mandarin) - Bird laying eggs
Leslie Tong> (Mandarin) - Rubbish bin
Carmen Teng> (Hokkien) - Leg hair long
Connie Mah> (Cantonese) - Call your mother
Danny See> (Hokkien) - Squeeze you to death
Rosie Teng> (Hokkien) - Screws and nails
Pete Tsai > (Hokkien) - Nose droppings
Macy Koh> (Cantonese) - Never die before
enjoy?laugh lar...very funny de...something wrong with u if u didnt laugh while reading this ler...haiz...hopeless liao u ppl.....teeheeheee...
i wanna sleep for 24hours a day record was 12hours the longest.can i break my own record?hmm...
Mar 5, 2008
all about me
my table.i do my revision here.
messy?i arranged it properly d called "books' corner" x_x
my 1GB shuffle with Sony's has 251 songs in it...
my pc.
rottan rack for plushes.=)
pressies!! cozy bed!!!
sugar cane:
blocked nose.....x_x having long sleeves to work today tim..
today's attire to work.looking blurr?still sneezing this morning ler..T.T
Mar 4, 2008
new earrings
onion ring--RM6.90
Mar 2, 2008

i have two naughty kids*they're siblings* .taught them science on thursday.

Mar 1, 2008
panda fights
had free breakfast and lunch today.^^ mum went market this morninG,so had her to buy some kuih and char kueh tiao for me.mum paid=free!wakakakaka....
schools' fights:
~**~**~only for those aged 0 & above.Thank you!~**~**~
okay now,another story.
fights.well..i 'fought' with few guys in various schools since primary six.finish the reading,then u'll know how did i fight with those guys.*clap clap*
viewed chuan's blog few days ago.there i recalled we have a friend,Raymond who was born on the 29th of february.a special this year,he's 5.although he should be 20.teeheehee...recalled lotsa things from here.
erm...we always had something to argue over almost everyday back in primary six.[yeah,we---me and Raymond.] eeeEE..he was sitting juz behind'd be sparks*sparks=arguements* we could just 'fight' over anything when we shared different opinions over,that's the first fight i had at SRB Chung Hua No 3.
second fight:hmm...let me see..second fight i had would be many years after primary six.that's when i was in form 4.somewhere last half year of form 4.another fight with a guy named NeoZhiYuan.teeheehee..we had a more serious fight in form 5 as he was sitting right next to me.we fought everyday,it started when i had my first step into the classroom every morning.*wahahaha...* small matter,we fought.big matter,we also fought.fought over nothing also fun.i'm a sagittarius,he's virgo.we even fought over that.he'd criticized how teruk is sagittarius,so i fought back.we fought,until rumours here and there.who cares..none of us
if the next day's the beginning of school holidays,then by the day before that we'd fight more erm 'seriously'. [is it the correct word?] at school,we fought.tuition classes,we also fought.craziee?but we did have fun.teeheehee...[second fight at SMK Kuching High]
third and also the last*???* fight:had my third fight with old man*name has been modified due to some purposes.but those same class with me will know who's that* throughout my Upper Six.again,old man was sitting right next to me. *okay,dont sit next to me in class if wanna avoid being killed without notice* we fought almost every schooling day as well.hmm....of course,we stopped fighting when STPM was around the[third fight at SMB St Thomas]
some clarification have to be made:not that i wanna fight okay?not that i'm fierce*okay,if u wanna say i'm fierce,what can i do?* somehow dunno why we just fight.see?if i'm fierce,i'd fight with every guy ler..yet,i only fought with'm not fierce.teeheehee...
panda's dictionary: fight=argue
warning:panda fights!hahaha....
sugar cane:
huhu...end of month!tomorrow go shopping liao...wahahaha....
going springgie tomorrow.anyone wanna join?i'm going alone.ehee..leave me a message yea..wakakaka...
happie 5th burfdae,Raymond.XD