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Apr 2, 2008

padini's opening cum april fool

had a kinda tiring day. not really tired, just that my legs pain like nuts after standing for NINE hours. felt so the very very happy when had the chance to sit after home.
padini concept store was officially opened at 10am at the spring, kuching with the first few transaction was done between cashiers and the marketing people. 'for luck,' they said. cause the big boss is very into fengshui thingy.. so... hehe... people came and went with big plastic bags. some just swipe their credit cards as if nothing with the amount of nearly 1k. *sweat long long..* we had a very promising sales. even the counter for membership card applications can have more than 1k with RM10 per application.

woke up at 6:10AM tis morning. ian asked to go for breakfast at 7am as i had to punch my card before 9am. i kesian him lor... he's on noon shift but have to wake up early to send me to work after breakfast. this dude dont take breakfast de.. but he scare that i might skipped my breakfast for more sleeps and ended up with gastric pain half way so accompanied me for breakfast. he kept reminding me to take my meal before i got out from the store for lunch. funny incident here--around 5sth,was busy dealing with a transaction and ian was about to go for his dinner break, he walked past my counter and told me that he's going out for dinner with andrew.*faint*
i was on morning shift. means, i cant catch a ride from ian. since he sent me to work, i dont drive. so.. who's gonna pick me home? carol, another colleague, was on morning shift as well. so decided to follow her car home.
6:30pm.... stupid thingy happened that pissed me off. a new staff who's under the brand as ian and carol didnt punch in after out to lunch. hence, that brand short of a staff. carol was asked to work OT out of a sudden!!! i ended up with no transportation to go home.[i didnt drive mar...] finally...... my SCS said that he can pick me up after i've failed to beg for a ride. ian kept asking me who's gonna pick me up before my SCS called. he demanded me to stand in front of padini's concept store while waiting for the arrival of my SCS so that he could keep an eye on me. i memang kektio lor... cause standing in front of the store doing nothing made me stupid. frankly, i'd rather go around the mall while waiting ler.. even thought of just disappeared without telling him.*wahahahaha.... me very bad hor..XD* before i was off, ian asked to text him once i got home. it was like reporting to a police officer. i didnt even have to report to my mum when she was in KK few days ago.*sweat*

might not be blogging for few days, will be in miri for 'ching ming'.
nice days all!^^ God bless.. and take care.

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