bamboo:end of february....anather end of the month agAIN...haiz...time really flies...without notice..=(rainy rains AGAIN...*sigh* with thunder some more.. :slet's see..what am i doing's 3:35pm rite now.i'm hanging with my shuffle while blogging.=Dwell...there're lotsa OLD songs in it.[okay..i'm living in the '80s.fine with u?lol..] errrR...the songs are not OLD like what also..juz sorta bit out dated like that ler...feelings got mixed up when it comes to certain songs.yeah, does not neccesary have to be love,let me see how to get it conveyed clearer to you people.hmm....*figuring figuring* eeeee.....okay,it started this way--i always had my shuffle with me whenever i went to libraries for revision before and during the period of songs made me think of the scene when i was doin revision in the libraries while zookeeper was in front of me.[zookeeper,still remember those days?lol...XD] i do miss those days....
picture on the right--->it reads: waiting is also a kind of happiness. *translated for those who dont know how to read chinese.aha..treat me a drink.winks*hmm...well..i kinda like tis picture.i have it on myProfile as primary photo tim..hehe....zookeeper zookeeper..remember this and keep it in ur mind till i tell u tat i've gave up on u kay?XD teeheehee...the song 'Cry on my shoulder' is playing right now.a worth-to-listen song.thanx to MrYap.cause i came across this song from his friendster's profile.[clap clap..]sugar's still raining..finished nonsense d it still rains..haiz....tsktsktsk...nice day all..^^
bamboo:i hate editting my blog.....but i have to in case my precious readers had got bored with my OLD now..i'm kinDA done with my blog.teeheehee...ya all know's great to meet old friends![erm..the OLD friends i mean are not those LKK okay?lol..]my old friends are truly kinda OLD..*whoooOps!errr..the OLD here referring to err our friendship.hahaa..*hmm...started to get connected with my OLD friends these days.well..we got 'lost' after primary six..but errrm..only some gurls..*sigh sigh*'s GREAT to meet old friends after 'losing' them for seven or eight years..XDonce again..C.H.E.R.I.S.H. haha...Glory to the Almighty Lord:my Heavenly Father...who's been loving me since i was born..truly truly loves me ALOT!!!how much He loves me?hmm...frankly..its always more than u love ur beloved ones and ur family.His love is UNMEASURABLE!!me,sarah..i'm a blessed gurl..and also a precious daughter of His.teeheehee...remember my Padini's interview?remember i was grumbling how tired i am having two jobs at one time?and i've made up my mind to quit tuition?MY Lord God answered My prayers!!He knows how tiring i am...(^v^)tat lady...aka melissa called up!she said i was short listed.*applause please..* but she scare i might not be able to handle the post of Supervisor,so offered me Operation Assistant.salary....well well...much lower than wat i've asked for.but the overall salary can beat the pays i got now by working day and nite.haha...PRAISE THE LORD lar....derrrrrRRR...Lord God is really taking care after me at every single minute! me a visit at Padini's concept store,the spring after it had its grand opening kay?haha...PRAISE THE LORD..PRAISE THE LORD..PRAISE THE LORD..PRAISE THE LORD..PRAISE THE LORD..[clap clap..]sugar cane:one..two..three...after three more classes...sarah is done!!sarah will no longer be teaching anymore...wheeeeheeee....small ad:people people..please visit MrYap's blog.juz have a look.if not nice to read...rmb to tell me heh? *winks* haha... [i dont get paid by advertising for him..]
bamboo:a tiring day.super tiring.panda's tired for everything..anything.far far far far tooOO tired than wat u all can imagine.12hours of working EVERY weekdays.eventhough i dont waste much of my energy,i still feel the tiredness.i'm perfectly POOPED!!dozed off a bit in the morninG.a bit's not comfortable to dozed off on the chair.called up the tuition centre,telling them me not goin for tuition.worn out up on certain thing.[started..] not worth it to earn alot but sacrificed my health.totally..NOT worth continue to teach next month.who cares what financial problems might pop up..i DONT more a k per mth tiu no more lor...who cares!!You Took My Heart Away:Staring at the moon so blueTurning all my thoughts to youI was without hopes or dreamsI tried to dull an inner scream but yousaw me through Walking on a path of airSee your faces everywhereAs you melt this heart of stoneyou take my hand to guide me home and nowI'm in love Chorus: You took my heart awaywhen my whole world was grayYou gave me everythingand a little bit moreAnd when it's cold at nightand you sleep by my sideyou become the meaning of my lifeLiving in a world so coldyou are there to warm my soulYou came to mend a broken heartYou gave my life a brand new start and nowI'm in love Chorus: You took my heart awaywhen my whole world was grayYou gave me everythingand a little bit moreAnd when it's cold at nightand you sleep by my sideyou become the meaning of my life Holding your handI won't fear tomorrowHere were we standwe'll never be alonesugar cane:dunno what to crap a song with u all..hope u'll like it.not bad right?teeheehee...panda is missing her zookeeper like nuts agAIN... *sigh*nice day to ya all....^^
bamboo:woke up before 7.30am tis morning.for the sake of my breakfast and lunch.better sandwich tis time.with fried eggs added.haha...interview:found a post of Operation Executive needed by Padini Holdings on jobstreet last week.human resource dept called up saying tat they will have a walk-in interview at Kingwood Inn on the 24th and 25th.10am-5pm.i went on yesterday.reached Kingwood Inn around 10sth.i regretted sth..should have brought along my camera![faint?hehe...] lotsa ppl went for the interview.they're not only looking for Operation Executive but also other posts like branch manager,assist manager,supervisor,sales assist and etc.i was the youngest among those went for the post of Operation Executive *my guessing* hehe....the oldest might be around 30++/40 years old. *arent those at the age of 30-40 should be having a stable job?wondering*there's an indian lady there dealing with candidates' forms,resumes and etc.talked crap with Yoges *tat indian lady* kinda lots of nonsense lor..hehe..cause wat...first impression is always the most important.she highlighted my results saying tat i'm a good student when i asked why. *cough cough..SPM 7As nia nia oso good worh..lotsa straight As students out there ler..cough* there were about 5'stalls' in the interview room. *for various posts mer* an uncle interviews candidates asking for the post of Operation turn.talked lotsa nonsense.then he said i have no experience in handling people,asked if i'd be delighted if they gave me the post of supervisor.i was like "ouh okie" *19years old gurl merebut for the post of Operation Executive with other older and experienced candidates.imagine that.haha..* then tat uncle walked to anather 'stall',after a while he asked me to move over to tat 'stall'.at the 'stall' for the post of supervisor:a lady named Melissa was the person in charge.talked crap again.more nonsense.salary part.... *die arrR tell u people..* i asked for RM1500.tat uncle asked wat's my minimum.i said RM1200.Melissa tat lady said might be around RM1000-RM1100.i was like "wat the......i asked for RM1500 man!u people bargained till left a figure like tat only...criES...stomping feet...ToT"around 11am,i'm done.well..first impression right?so....bidded tat indian lady farewell.along the way out from the interview room to the main exit,i was like walking at red carpet.know wat..candidates waiting to be interviewed were all looking at me as if i was alienated.nearly asked 'wat?never saw pretty gurl ka?'[cough cough]funny incident when waiting for my turn to be interviewed:there were two the age of 25 i least one is 25.the indian lady asked why the working experience column was left empty.the answer was.......'i'm a fresh graduate' *sweat long long..i started working when i was in f3 kay?* fine.then Yoges asked again "where's ur photostated ic?" both of them shared the same answer "ermm...i forgotten tat.or i left my things here and go photostate now?" *sweat again.go interview without photostated ic?derrrrRR....* they applied for the post of Operation executive through jobstreet as well.well..when Yoges called up,should hav asked for wat to bring mer..padini did advertised on Borneo Post,indicating what to bring as well.please lar..first impression inexperienced meh...walau...should said will be back for interview next day lar that two buddies..peeped the form of one of the two.from SMK Kuching High. *alangkah malunya...* luckily he's not my friend. poll:who will get the post of Operation Executive among me and tat two blurr guys if i'm a fresh graduate today?mind u..i'm with working experience.wahahahaha...sugarcane:regret ler......should hav brought my camera....
bamboo:boring.viewed fren's blog and got this...[see below,do try]wat does my birthday indicates?12月8日 墮落
今天出生的人對“正常的”朋友并不滿足,相反地,他們總是在尋找最刺激、最好玩的人,以及一些需要他們全副注意力與精力充沛的人。然而,他們需要一些時間才會明白,無論自己怎么付出都不夠,而且事實上,他們所得到的回報其實很少。在這一方面,他們其實是屬于容易上癮的人格。對這一天出生的人來說,只有墮落才會讓他們忘掉自己的困窘處境[laugh out],例如恐懼、焦慮、人格等問題。
名 人
吉姆莫理遜(Jim Morrison)美國歌手,號稱“蜥蜴王”(The Lizard King),也是詞曲作家及詩人,為“門戶”(The Doors)樂團的一員,因吸毒過量而去世。
蘇格蘭的瑪麗女王(Mary Queen of Xcots),被迫把蘇格蘭王位讓與其子詹姆斯六世(也就是后來的英格蘭國王詹姆斯一世)瑪麗女王被禁16年,后來從容勇敢地面對處決。
歐康諾(Sinead O'Connor)愛爾蘭歌手,亦為歌曲作家。
墨西哥畫家里維拉(Diego Rivera),也是壁畫家、革命家,其藝朮將民間藝朮與革命宣傳融為一體,具有拜占庭式和阿茲特克象征主義韻味。
20世紀芬蘭交響樂作曲家西貝流士(Jean Sibelius),音樂貫穿著兩個主題:大自然與北方景色的熱愛和專心致力于神話的描繪,尤其是芬蘭民族史詩《卡勒瓦拉》的神話。
阻難多、優柔寡斷、前后不一。janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdecso..what's urs?hehe...sugar cane:anather boring day passed.pray for the bright.
bamboo:woke up by 7.30am tis morninG!!had a less than 8hours sleep.juz to prepare my breakfast n lunch to be brought to office.i didnt cook,kay?so...what did i prepare since i didnt cook..da danG...!!sandwich!!!!wakakaka....very easy hor?hee!saw loaves of bread in freezer last nite..then thought of wanna save sandwich.bread+butter+ham.hah!easy heh? *evil laugh*mum didnt help.i did everything on my own.well...actly tis wasnt the first time i prepare own mealbox.juz tat..tis was my first time i prepared own mealbox eversince i started demise of Lydia Shum:knew tis news on...tuesday afternoon i guess..eboon told me.was like "huh?passed away?unbelievable" when came across it.then carried on with my stuff without any special feeling.accidentally saw a special programme last nite,specially about Lydia Shum.heart really sank when i watched it...those younger actors cried on tat tv programme.the scene made me almost shed my tears as well..she was only 62.62 man!!!!so young...her daughter is still so young as well.about a year older than we '88 if not mistaken..the sitcom 'love bond' which was supposed to be repeated at 11pm was switched to be 'a recipe of heart' which was starred by her.was like "life is short" when thought deeper..remember what did i learn from the movie "love is not all around"?yeah,CHERISH.CHERISH those around u...whoelse should i cherish besides my family?thinking thinkING.....sugar cane:international call received on the 15th.from an unknown singaporean.yea,unknown.he did tell his name,but dont ask for his name,kay?x_x erm...not really unknown oso.he did text once in a while throughtout these two or three years.juz tat..dunno how he looks like and hOW did he get my number.he sounded old to me.*i mean his voice* well...he's 25.5years older than me.ouh okay,fine.tzehui said i like to talk to strangers.but...i didnt rugi anything,no broken bones.the one who rugi was call worh..wakakakakaka....happie chap goh meh..fifteen days of CNY passed in juz a blink of eye.time flies..and here comes march soon.TIME really fliES.....
rainy morninG agaiN..
didnt feel like to get out of my bathroom when having my shower this morninG..cold weather and hot water worH..why so stupid to get out of the bathroom worh...of course soak myself in the hot shower at a longer time lar..buT..haiz..things always somehow juz go the other way with what we are thinking.couldnt soak self in hot shower longer cuz hav to get prepared for work.zzzzzZZZzzzzzzzz..hatred...
Love is not all around:
actually.....the title "love is not all around" is a movie's title.juz quoted it.starring Alex fong,Hins cheung,Sammy and dunno who.*hah* nice movie..watched it sunday nite d de...last nite it repeated again*u know lar...astro....heh* though i watched before,i still watched it again last nite.11.30pm till 1am. *crazie gal heh?* but it's truly nice wat...some part really earned my tears lor..but i didnt shed my tears..i did hold it back!!hehe...
well...i'm lazy for a synopsis.if u wanna know what does it all about,go watch it urself.
and because of tis movie...Hins Cheung is my new lover!! *wakakaka..* he's really.......undescribable.more than cute and engtau lor...hee!
hmm...after watching tis movie.....erm uhm.....i learned a new word---C.H.E.R.I.S.H.
yeah, everyone besides u.including those who love u but u dont love.and also...whatever u saw and whatever u heard,might not be the truth*watch and u'll know what i mean*
sugar cane:thinking of teaching in schools.cuz zookeeper also taught in primary school,but he's no longer there nemore.when i knew where he taught,i purposely turned a big round to my office juz to pass through that school after dropping my brother at dad's shop.only by seeing his car i'd be satisfied also..then i'd passed by the library.where i had all those nice memories with him there.
wanna tell him that..
i MISS him alot..
pass the message to him please...for those who know who's zookeeper and also a fren of his.
i really MISS him...T.T
bamboo:sorry all..for the late post..ehee..
symptom of p a n d a got tired---> feel like biting lips and teeth.very tired these days.cuz always go to bed late for sitcoms and movies.
10 Dec 2005:first saw bamboo stick
15 Dec 2005:first text
20 Dec 2005:first call(4min ++)
25 Aug--31 Aug:happenings @ IPBL and padang merdeka(will never forget tat cuz i met zookeeper there oso..)
9 Oct 2006:first lunch @ tun jugah
9 Dec 2006:drink @ Colours
9 March 2007:lunch @ jade pot
17 Nov 2007:first text with zookeeper(first saw..dunno when d...ask mr chong when's his first class for lower six students on 2006 then.hee..XD)
4 Dec 2007:first lunch @ hong kong noodles
10 Jan 2008:first call(about stupid thingy)
26 Jan 2008:short meet up @ travillion(to pass him the tee)*who are bamboo stick and zookeeper?text me for answer if u wanna know..=D*always think of the scenes when passing by all those places..
promises were both bamboo stick and zookeeper..
promises were broken by themselves also..=(
wanna redeem the dinner zookeeper promised me during my burfdae.. *no reply when texted him..T.T*holding whose promises?..zookeeper's promise i'm holding on...he said he wont let me down.but now.......zzzZzzzzzzzzzzzZZ....
sugar cane:hair is shorter..about 5cm shorter than when i went for straightening after STPM.zzzZZZzzzz...
went for a haircut last saturday after work.RM25..still ok..not very expensive oso..purposely went tunjugah for a haircut.cuz my main destination was the spring mer...
i like the way uncle richard cut my hair..hehe...he's my hairstylist since dunno when *since i'm a kid perhaps x_x*hope uncle richard wont retire..cuz after his retirement i'll hav no idea of where to get a haircut from ler..he's the only one who knows how to deal with my hair...T.T
so...who's uncle richard then?hmm...the famous hairstylist of coz!at tun jugah---Richard Hair Saloon lar...hahaha...
small ad here:uncle richard will be at tunjugah everyday except tuesday.he'll be at the spring every tuesday.
stressful.when kids having exams,tuition teachers the most stressful ones.wat the heck!school teachers leng leng teaching without caring if the pupils got what they're teaching not and get their salary juz like tat.when it comes to tests,tuition teachers are dead.parents pay to see results.if the kids didnt do well,M16 are always teachers!!!!!what are you all doing????????salary d*** so high but dont care about the kena exploit eh...indon maids are more 'expensive' than me wor...but still teaching like nuts.derrrrr....
visit to Pn Eng's house:
went to Pn Eng's place on monday night. *for those who dont know who's Pn Eng..uhm..well..she's my F6 Chem teacher* initially we planned to go on sunday night,but dunno what happened,it was switched to monday night.hmmm hmm...not much friends went.only 7 out of 25 went *there was 25 people in my class* who went?? lor,kong lor,robin lor,szexian and xiangyi lor then the couple lor(ivan and rachel) tee hee hee..not much right?
we talked about everything,even those not related to us we oso kepo.hahak!Pn Eng was the one who said me kena exploit and even an indon maid also more 'expensive' than me.cuz the pay i got for teaching was RM2.50 per hour.even now RM300 per month still considered exploitation.bzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzz..... *disappointed,started to flip through newpapers for higher pay liao..x_x*
sugar cane:scold me 'stubborn' plz anyone..?friend asked why i dont juz give up on zookeeper since ___?haiz...
*upcoming post--'memoriable dates and places'*
stay tunned!
happy valentines' day to everyone in this wonderful world!
bamboo:finally..back to working place AGAIN.four days' holidays..juz passed like tat.yeah,juz like tat.without anything special.except for wearing all the nice clothes.wat's so special about CNY?cant figure it out.mood didnt turn to better wat...
thought through:
went to lotsa ppl's huz for visiting.not frenz's,not relatives',but mum's frenz'.went out everyday wit mum.met lotsa engtau kiaS.mum's frenz' sons.but but but...see see action and biological reaction. *laugh out*mum's frenz are funny..mostly..once they saw me *those didnt see me for a lonG time*, would definately say "whoa...getting prettier worh..." *clap clap* then i was like "uh oh okay..hehe.." next question was "got boyfriend boi?" then i'd answered "huh?*really shocked,okie?* har?no la..heheeee..." blurb...sweat long long..* really getting prettier meh?zzzZZzzzz...*
a SPM leaver asked to go his house on day3.go solo,me sure paiseh.if wanna go with friends,dunno go with who.cuz i dunno which of my friends know him.remembered that mr yap knows his asked if mr yap wanna go not.but he had his students over his place by that time.didnt reply*i mean me*.8sth at nite,he texted again,calling me 'honey'.*heart sank* cuz i know,he didnt take it seriously.asked if he texted wrong gal not,but he said it's for me,no mistake. *heart sank to the deepest*mr yap,
neva call me 'honey' o whateva if u never mean it.
never call me 'honey' if u didnt think of to be responsible after it.
think twice before calling me 'honey'.
i'm in the process of letting go off u.dont give me anymore hope.simply an ordinary gurl here.cant bear much hurts.juz an ordinary gurl...
if gurl said she's giving up.she'll never turn back.gurls are different with guys in dealing these thingy.u may want the gurl u rejected back cuz of loneliness but i wont want the guy who rejected me back even if i'm lonely once i've gave up.since i've thought it through,i'll never turn back to u though zookeeper doesnt want me.i dunno what makes u called me 'honey' but juz a piece of advice here--never simply call a gurl 'honey' o whateva if u didnt want to take it seriously or be responsible after it.juz like what i texted u.u're dead if that gurl take it seriously.luck for u cuz i have thought it through that u're not serious and i didnt take it seriuosly as well.*clap clap*sugar cane:
dress code during CNY:
reunion dinner--a bare back dress *guys,dont throw slippers,cuz ur monitor will be the one to kena* day one--kinda formal a little.dress as well *hehe....*day two--tiub with skirt.*sexy??i dunno..left it to u ppl to judge.ask those who came to my house on day2 if u wanna know.loz....*day three--trendy a little,looks guai guai de.. *clap clap*day four--sleeveless top and skirt * more guai kia liao..=( haha..*wanna see pictures?hmmm....depends on the demand then.drop me a comment if u wanna see pictures.if the demand is high,then only i'll post them. ;D
Here comes the eve of CNYmakeover plan??not sure yet...but but but...there's one thing....really have to get mr yap out of my mind!*frowning* viewed his profile and also his blog again.i really dunno wat to do.but i juz cant control to view his i wish i was in bl instead of st thom.impossible to block him on friendster.i never do that to frenz,wat more to say it's him...but i really dunno wat to do.he has a crush.he never told me so even when he rejected me.but...i know it.juz tat.....i'm running away from tat fact.cuz he told me having a gurlfriend is sth troublesome,and i chose to trust him,instead of telling myself tat he has a crush dy..until juz now..when i viewed his blog..i'm still unwilling to believe tat he has a crush dy.the reason he gave me when rejected me was he juz wanna stay single at the mean time.*stubborn...* still unwilling to accept tat fact.
wanna get him out of my mind..cant miss two ppl at a go.will go insane.
*still frowning..low mood...*
panda's in the house:
sleepless nite i had last nite.eyeballs' size really can fight with the size of marbles ler...~.~" sth wrong with my body.fingers and toes cold like nuts.didnt on either fan or aircond eh...started watching all sorts of sitcoms by 10pm after my bath.astro mer...surely got lotsa series to catch up 24hours de...hehe..
10pm-11pm--anti crime squad
11pm-1am --Gen-Y cops+love bond(11am-12midnite)
12.3oam-1.30am--spirit of love
1.30am-2am--lady fan(it's actly 1am-2am de..)
2am-3sth--forgot the name of tat movie ki..funny and nice tiu si liao..
Gen-Y cops d*** nice man..whoosh...cant really take my eyes off from it.exciting's in the house when i woke up.hahak!!Valentine:
Didnt really realize tat the footsteps of valentine's day are near until last nite.light fm has love zone from 8pm-10pm.*forgot which nites dy,cuz it doent hav it everynite* always managed to listen to one or two nice songs as i finish my class around can listen to it all way home.suddenly heard an ad about valentine's special thingy,was like 'O.o valentine's coming soon either heh'.mm...still remember wat was i doing during last year's valentine.guess wat...had a 'date' with my driving sifu after work.*lame lame* so tis year....................................................
having a 'date' with my luck,no going 0ut lo...guai guai stay in the tuition centre lo....wat can i do...
juz wanna be his valentine,so..................if he didnt ask me out,not going out with anyone then.hmm hmm...........
sien sien...will surely say i dox1000000 if he asked.the case now is................dream lah!wekikiki....*think again..single not gud meh...hell nice!so.....stay single tiu ho liao...why care so much?wahaha...**u urself asked before tat if i'll be down everyday when u're not around someday.remember??i said maybe.and now.....i cant hav 'maybe' but 'certainly!' my world was like lack of sth as days without u goes appetite gettng worse and worse now..didnt hav dinner yesterday,no breakfast tis morning.perhaps,having no lunch as well.........might juz drink a cup of milo i guess..dun even hav cny mood.tomorrow's having reunion dinner liao,day after tomorrow's day 1 of cny dy...and today..i still got no mood.juz recalled sth:during my lower six,there's a day during recess when my mood suddenly low like dunno wat oso.face was as dark as charcoal.pck sat on the table tat i was dutying,even he oso said tat he wont have any appetite to eat when seeing a prefect's face dark like nuts.but by tat time it's only A day.tis time......dunno how many days or weeks dy......sigh sigh sigh....*sugar cane:
eeeeeyaaahoooOO!!!tonite no teaching!!tonite no teaching..tonite no TEACHING!!hahahaaa....relief,actly...cuz it's very tired to rush from a place to anather within haf an hour with dinner included ler...hehe...received anather RM34 and an angpau of RM20 from Pertama last nite,dunno wat's the RM34 for.anyway..thanx thanx.. *clap clap..praise the Lord.haha...*
mood changing rapidly recently.
juz wanna be a happy baby everyday.
so hard meh....??!!
if u asked me to smile
well,i can.
i'll just lift up my flesh
wat's so hard to smile fake-ly??
smiling without spirit.
easy job....
but but but...
i want
my spirit,soul and body
to smile,to be truly joyful...
at least la...
let me be happy throughout the few days of hols...
enaf liao...
truly enaf liao....
so hard meh......
bamboo:*clap clap* finally received my salary last saturday.wheeeeEheeE...*praise the Lord praise the Lord*gave mum RM200,own pocket money RM100,angpau for mum RM50,grandma RM100.eeeyooohooooOOo...super duper happy.
hmm...cny's about three more days to go.seriously cny mood wor...*frowning -_-"* dunno why lar.....haiz..........the only thing i'm excited about is can wear new clothes nia..wat to do?wat to do?anyone??make me celebrate this cny happily eh...sien sien...really dunno how arR...=(
missing U too hard that i................*really
malu nak cakap*
went breakfast with mum yesterday morning.loooOOnG didnt have breakfast with her eversince i started working.went to BDC there,she said there's a kopitiam with lotsa nice of the kopitiam-->'jia jia'.ouh well...when we reached........x_X people mountain people sea..fine...
we were so lucky tat we managed to get a seat.hawkers were busying.none was able to catch any snake.wanna eat beehoon,so mum ordered two bowls of beehoon kosong and one bowl of 'jeng' one. *read in hokkien,the bowl of soup with all sorts of food--meat and fish balls,vege,prawns and etc de*.we waited for........................about AN hour then only we can have our breakfast.well well...worth it worth it...nice food.hehe..but i only managed to finish HALF bowl of tat beehoon.x_X
head super duper itchy while eating that it turned left and right to look around.
da danGGGG....saw a guy,with specs.*heartbeat accelerating* cuz i tot he was...zookeeper!!!side view of tat guy really looks alike with zookeeper ler....i really tot he was zookeeper..wanted to text him de liao....x_x x_x...looked carefully again...diff specs.whooOsh...the specs kaki of zookeeper's are white,while tat guy's are black.luckily i dont have heart attack............-_-" real sia soi....eventhough i didnt text zookeeper and fool him..memang malu nak cakap ler...@_@"
i'm really a little..out of mind.*malu malu* XD
sugar cane:
memang keksi ki...
open house on the 2nd day of cny.texted mr yap,asked him to drop by if he didnt have anything for lunch on that day.last year,he came over and i misused him for some purpose eventhough my main purpose was to see him.this year..invited him as a friend.i was like 'grrrr...' towards his reply.he said he wont be free on day 2,wat about day 3.OMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!me day 2 open house nia..where got day 3 again de??impozble want my mum to purposely cook for him alone nia mer...wat more to say he's not my guy??wont even get my mum to cook for my guy alone if he didnt come over when i have open house arrr...chek ak lar tat seh 3 me probably out with classmates oso yap o mr yap..muka memang besar sangat budak ni...asked him to chiak ka ki on day 3. *evil laugh*really kektio...
bamboo:had my finger scratched tis morning in car.stupidddddd....scratched by myself some more..duh...bodohnya budak ni...plan to call up my manager aka v***** *remember tis dude,neva work for him.wahahaha...*.wanna get him to bank in my salary by today.promised mum to buy her a bag for cny..then wanna giv my grandma an 'angpau'.without caring if me married not.cant let her wait till me married might be eight or ten year's later grandpa dy not sempat to receive my 'angpau'.dun wanna let the same happened to my grandma.......
is tis me???=D
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
*heegeeeEgeez...clap clap*
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
*quite true....blek..XD*Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
*hmmm...doubt tis..cuz i'm the 'love at first sight' type de...*The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
*tell me tell i flirt??i dun even know...mamamia.....*Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
*wat the....i love study alot eh....=(*The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
*yea yea...a practical person here..=)*How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
*gosh!!tat's me!!!an independent gal...*Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
*hmmm....mood changes quite frequently these days tho..haha...=p tell ya...i cant sit still..hiakz...*What's your personality love style?
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
*it's true for some part..haha...*sugar cane:
hopefully the call can be a successful one..then can go shopping later ler...hehe.....*giv support giv support*
bamboo:batang hidung of my morning's job salary masih tak nampak.dyinG soonnnnnn....helppppPPPP!!!!!Thank God:praise the Lord with me!!!!
Juz received a call from Pertama...they're giving me RM300 per month!!*applause applause*talked to the principal aka Mrs Yong yesterday after my class about how they count my salary.cuz mum scrEAM when i told her tat i received RM58.50 for the mth of bien lo...people,u know me de lar...i'm quite shy when it comes to dealing salary with christians.muka tebal..cuz for me,ya know..christians mer...i juz wan to help out the principal with the pupils with wateva knowledge i hav as much as neva mind much about the salary thingy as long as can cover my expenses,i.e.,dinner.hehe....dealed the matter cuz of my mum ler...
mrs yong called and said the school is willing to give me RM300 as i told her i'm willing to teach every monday till friday nite and i love teaching.kiki......
praise praise praise the Lord!!!!!!come on and say 'thank God!!'
love u,mrs yong!eheeee....*laugh laugh*sugar cane:
hope can get my pay before the 5th of february...
i hope i hope i hope i hope i hopE i hoPE i hOPE i HOPE....................................................................
i'll non-stop dreaminG and hopinG..pray tat Lord will hav mercy on me!!^^
Give thanx to the Lord...=D