end of february....anather end of the month agAIN...haiz...time really flies...without notice..=(
rainy afternoon:
hmm...it rains AGAIN...*sigh* with thunder some more.. :s
let's see..what am i doing now..it's 3:35pm rite now.i'm hanging with my shuffle while blogging.=D
well...there're lotsa OLD songs in it.[okay..i'm living in the '80s.fine with u?lol..] errrR...the songs are not OLD like what also..juz sorta bit out dated like that ler...feelings got mixed up when it comes to certain songs.yeah,CERTAIN.well..it does not neccesary have to be love songs.now,let me see how to get it conveyed clearer to you people.hmm....*figuring figuring* eeeee.....
okay,it started this way--i always had my shuffle with me whenever i went to libraries for revision before and during the period of STPM.so...certain songs made me think of the scene when i was doin revision in the libraries while zookeeper was in front of me.[zookeeper,still remember those days?lol...XD] i do miss those days....

it reads: waiting is also a kind of happiness. *translated for those who dont know how to read chinese.aha..treat me a drink.winks*
hmm...well..i kinda like tis picture.i have it on myProfile as primary photo tim..hehe....
zookeeper zookeeper..
remember this and keep it in ur mind till i tell u tat i've gave up on u kay?XD teeheehee...
the song 'Cry on my shoulder' is playing right now.a worth-to-listen song.
thanx to MrYap.cause i came across this song from his friendster's profile.[clap clap..]
sugar cane:
hmm....it's still raining..finished nonsense d it still rains..haiz....tsktsktsk...
nice day all..^^
tis year got 29th februarylar ,sook yen......
28th of feb oso counted end of mth d mer...my manager banked in my salary for me d wat....lol..XD
Whos zookeeper sook yen? Is he the guy who you use to mention in your friendster blog last time?
friendster blog?
hmmm...let me do the thinking for a while ey?
it has lotsa 'nan zhu jue' ei...
which post are u referring to?
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