Food of the day

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Feb 14, 2011


and, it's day 12 of Chinese New Year. according to the Chinese Zodiac, it's Rabbit year this year, and since i didnt take care of my blog during the hols, so hereby i wish you all a blessed Rabbit year! may you all be as cute and tame as a rabbit *munch more carrot, for the sake of good eyesight* XD hope i'm not too late @@

ahhh it's Valentine's day again!
didnt get like "super excited" as i'm alone at UTM here as usual. aha~
the different thing for this year's Valentine's is, i've forgotten about Light FM!!! lol.. it used to have the session "valentine's special" during night time. i wonder if it's still on for this year. i want it to be on again! aha~
Jusco does have love songs being played though. heard few while i was doing some shopping last Saturday. teehee~ it's nice.

Diamond, represents forever, in romantic sense, as it's unbreakable.

what about something not romantic? haha! i've taken the subject "Geology and Rock", so i know that diamond is actually merely carbon. lol. *dont stone throw me please*

a friend of mine told me that, the salesperson of jewelry shop would always say that, a lady must have at least one diamond in her lifetime. and me, aging younger than 23, make it to own the first diamond, though inconspicuous, i appreciate it. haha! i never expected a diamond what... and i'm not materialistic. teehee~ thanks so much!!!=))

well, happy valentine's to all out there, singles or couples! hehe

p.s.: valentine's day is not celebrated by Christians, mind you. it's just "in a memory of St Valentine", go wiki for further details. so, christians should not be blamed for any adulteries. (this issue is being politicized by Malaysia, what a shame on those who said that christians celebrate valentine's day as they did not read history!)

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