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Jul 21, 2008


i'm a bad gurl. and i'm always bad....)=

my keychain spoilt few days ago. the chain 'separated' from its 'body'. brought with me this morning while planning to get someone to mend it as i dont have a plier to sambung balik the keychain. but that someone dunNo how to mend it. ended up tat dude, who treats me super well, mended my keychain for me. and all i did was just a simple thanks. while for tat someone, did nothing but gets treats from me. *not meal tho... haha...* -____________-"
quite a heavy rain this afternoon after we got out from the library to go for a 4pm class. only me and tat someone have umbrellas. tat dude and aaron dont hav. the four of us ended up with two pairs which goes like this----> aaron and tat someone shared an umbrella while me and tat dude shared one. along our journey to our faculty from library, i didnt talk anything, remaining silent. i think.... if it was to be me and tat someone shared an umbrella, guess we'll hav lots to talk.
tat's why i said...... i'm BAD. *haiz...*


i rugi banyak this time lar... senior gave me two english books and a calculus book. and they are all the same books with i had bought when lectures started!!!!!! Gosh! pengsan lar... the books are the same. calculus costed me RM35 while the stupid thin english reference costed me RM17!!!!!! *sob....*

finally i did something good!! while waiting for tat someone to pick up ginseng tea, i actually shared the gospel of God with my roommate by telling her the testimonials i heard from hope and my own testi. haha...... finally i did something for God!!! ehee... how great!!! lol...
well... will she turn to God or not i'm not sure. it's all in God's hand. i'll pray for her tho. haha... may God works on her with wat i'd shared ^^

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