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Jul 20, 2008

at last..

finally can online in my room. dont have to bring my laptop to library liao... haha...
finally can meet my direct seniors loo... i have two direct seniors. both guys. and tat's the tradition. guys to gurls, gurls to guys. managed to meet one of them just now after texting both of them. the other one lazy to get out from the room. oya! both of them are room mates. ehee... the one i met just now named zhi ming, from kelantan. STPM got 3.50 o.O we met cause he wanted to copy notes for me. luckily before i came here, i got myself a 2GB pendrive. cause notes he gave me has a capacity of 1GB+.... blek =P 

thank God darell yong is not my direct senior. cause he doesnt have notes for his juniors one... then everything has to depend on own. whoever is his junior... not her luck lor.. but good for her. cause he's quite a good looking also. haha...

well.. it's bad to have someone who treats you super good but you just pretend that both of you are just normal friends... blurb... here's a classmate, who treats me well. but we dont text each other for chat. will only text to double confirm tat which lecture wont be on going on the next day. i'm bad ei... pretended nothing special between us. 

joining hope church. finally found my spiritual home. before this i was trying out various churches while praying for Lord's guidance to find me a best home. after joining care group on thursday, i made up my mind to join hope church. 
hope church had group sharing tat day. i shared some things in my life with my group. the leader said something similar to a prophecy done by a new zealand pastor when i was in form4. tat leader actually asked me to share my life to the non-believers. cause these will be able to encourage them to believe in christ the Lord. as for the pastor's prophecy... i couldnt remember the whole thing, but i know it's similar to wat the leader had said. it's sth like there's a sweetness inside me, but i have to open up the door and things like tat... i believe, God spoke to me, asking me to share the gospel of God. ^^

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