uh... write you all something about my first time then XD
my first time....
first time donating blood. woowoot...
my kolej had this blood donation campaign last saturday from 10am till 4pm. always wanted to go for these kind of campaign all these while as i'm of O type blood.. texts were sent around that day asking if anyone going to donate their blood, cause i want to get somebody to keep me accompanied. blek =P know wat.. guys here are really kia si *scared of death* guys i texted none wanted to go for the blood donation except for a final year senior. only munyee replied my text and she's the one who actually accompanied me for that. ehee...
as both me and munyee were quite nervous and scared.. i kept digging funny stuffs to talk to her =P
funny, the nurse took a long time to find my blood vessel..x_X
i so hate hate hate my blood flow rate.. munyee and i started at almost the same time. when she finished donating 450cc, i'm still at 100cc -_________-" then the nurse asked:"moi, cucuk tempat lain boleh tak? darah kamu mengalir terlalu lambat la.." (gurl,can try at another place? ur blood flows too slow la..) walau ey....... i kept shaking my head for that. poked my skin once jiu enough liao la.. although i'm now immune to injection, dont treat me like tat mar...
i stopped at the 100cc there as the blood started to "beku"..T____________T
they said i lack of exercise. that's why my blood flow rate is slow and they took a long time to find my blood vessel. sien.
somehow.. i thank God for the bee sting the other day, cause i'm now superb immune to injection. nothing can be more painful than bee sting.
how cum u look so scare????
that's why i kept crack jokes by that time la.. duh...
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