obviously,it swells.
well.. and the story went like this -> sprained it seriously where i actually HEARD a loud "crack" when spraining it T.T it hurts a lot but wasnt to the stage that it caused me to cry. well... hehe... sprained it on tuesday,when doing survey. "well, the first survey of my life, i was too high, so i sprained it." that's wat i told those who asked about my leg.
actually... i sprained it when running down a slope to my check point..
after went for chinese doctor at taman uni instead of the campus' clinic, i had a short nap. and well.. here goes the deadly part. my leg was real pain that i actually cried. well well... it's superb painful on that day okay? *sigh*
wonder why am i happy eventhough i sprained it seriously? huhu...
gained something real precious cause of my sprained leg. hehe... *shhhhhhhh...* ^^
should thank God for that.
and to those out there, dont worry much about my leg anymore, i can walk faster than last few days already. daijoubu des.. dont worry dont worry, tho it's still swelling ^^
and yea,basically that's me, spraining own's legs in a week's time. hahahahaha...
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