Food of the day

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Aug 4, 2008

hot weather

*two more weeks to go for going back to kuching!!!!*
*one more week to go for test one. x____________x*

ptptn loan is approved. half loan i got. derrrrr....
test soon and i'm now not doing any revision still. God save me. hahaz...
my fringe is too too too long... have to wait to go home baru cut. here very mahal... *sweat...* but might not cutting my fringe. maybe trim back hair a bit bit. hahaz...

nothing much can i write now. photos on the last two posts told everything i wanna say. hahaz... most of all... THANKS to my sony ericssion w580i!!!! haha... it did a good job. but too bad during the last day at kukup no battery.. lotsa photos were left out at the fishing farm there. sigh...

a big HAPPY BURFDAE to ah cheik, my course mate and also my classmate. happy 20th! may Lord God shower blessings upon you throughout ur 20th.
and and and not to forget.... happy 20th to vincent wong king soon. a friend of YLM. happy bufdae! *if only u're reading this. hiakz...*

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