yeasterday's calculus [or rather intermediate mathematics].. hmm.. not so bad.. did better than wat i've expected. praise the Lord. aha~
whenever we go for exam,we hav to bring along our examination slips, if not, we'll get a big fat zero for that particular paper. that's what senior kiantat told me. and ouh yea,he's the senior who's been texting with me all these while. well,BIG fat zero. and guess what.... i DIDNT bring along my examination slip with me yesterday!!!! i didnt bring,i FORGOTTEN to bring. went out of room at 8am,didnt realize anything wrong, not until i went to Masjid Sultan Ismail after blogging. it was 845am by the time i realized. told horng eng about that, she said that maybe it'll be fine if i show them my matrix card. prayed hard and off i went into the exam hall. two and a half hours of exam, thank God, nothing went wrong, really have to praise the Lord le...[clap clap] ^^
i'm confident to get 35/50 for the final. it's still a distance to get an A, Lord God really have to mark my paper Himself. i need miracle. kinda desperately. hahahahaha....
yoyo~ finally sarah tan is boycotted. and guess wat... i'm boycotted by a bunch of so-called leaders without leadership. [Rolling on the floor laughing] expected this when i rejected ah goh to join JKM.
went out for dinner with city harvest's sis and bro at taman uni last nite. lotsa UTM dudes there,saw seniors also. namely, ah chai,ah goh,sim, and ah ho. didnt know that i was boycotted before last nite yet.. waved at those seniors when saw them. [respect mar...] but guess what.... they all stared at me as if they dont know me,then i knew... woo woot.. sarah tan is boycotted by a bunch of lame guys. rofl.....
actly i'm not the only one being boycotted by them. horng eng and mun yee as well. all because we dont want to join JKM. *the darkness of JKM-boycott u if u dont wanna join. haha...* erm i dont feel bad being boycotted by these people tho.. kinda happy instead. lolz.....
people,imagine how lame are they lor... if i simply pick a form 4 prefect from st thomas, his leadership skill will be far more better than those bunch of dudes. wahahahaha... also, they are very....*indescribable* esp ah chai,would betray his course mates for the sake of quota to stay at KTHO. every of the first year's dislikes him like nuts. horng eng said this before--> first year's dislikes him, second year boycott him [except those who've been brainwashed by him], third year beh liang him(cause he's the type who speak more than action) then final year's busy,no time to care about him. aha~ terrible right? west malaysia people.... tsktsktsk... these are the so called leaders, who call themselves as leaders. even english language is lamer than primary six students of sarawak nowadays. aha~ i think me and horng eng can do a better job than them lor... wahahahaha....
i thank God for both my direct seniors are not in JKM,if not... hoho! couldnt imagine.... kesian munyee lor... her direct is gary,part of JKM. imagine what happened to her when even me also being boycotted lor.. the two no longer talked d... blurb..
oya, prefects of st thomas, be proud of yourselves! even if you're just a ordinary prefect. see? university students,turning 22 next year,are lamer than you guys. be proud of yourselves!