suddenly thought of happenings on 20/5/08...
things happened were just like it was on yesterday..
still can feel the pain...x_____________x
i'm so stupid.
Sep 25, 2008
Sep 23, 2008
God's mercy!
tickets to go back during the holidays end of this year is done! praise the Lord!*clap clap*
lappie's charger was collected safe and sound last friday either. ehee....
some updates of myself....

camwhoring in the room yesterday while waiting for time to go for stupid english lecture.. blek...XD
yesterday's monday. monday=smart day=formal day. aha~
tickets to go back during the holidays end of this year is done! praise the Lord!*clap clap*
lappie's charger was collected safe and sound last friday either. ehee....
some updates of myself....
camwhoring in the room yesterday while waiting for time to go for stupid english lecture.. blek...XD
yesterday's monday. monday=smart day=formal day. aha~
FKA nite(2)
[continued from FKA nite(1)...]
how should i start..... hmm...
five first year gurls were late... only left salad and fruits as our dinner...
when we reached there, the sketch was on part two d... sobz....
throughout the dinner, i had F.U.N pulling ties. :rofl: McDonald koko's, pak Ling's, ah goh's, eric's, my direct's and etc.. their ties were pulled. hiak hiak... me very bad ho? blek..XD some were scared by me. so oni managed to pull once or twice. ehee... told ya d.. me naughty wat..=D
few rounds of lucky draws... *none of my business T.T* sketch was continued part by part... souvenirs for the final year seniors... photo taking sessions went on at all times... simple game... and then the sketch was ended with dancing. my direct asked for a dance. my FIRST dance in my life was RUINED by him!!!!!!T__________________T cause he didnt know how to dance. haiz.....
surely will change partners in the dancing pool, guys and gurls alike. guess what actually happened when i danced with senior gary?
he handed me over into the hand of senior sim!!*picture of him will be uploaded. stay tuned!*
and here goes the most embarrassing scene of my life!
by hook or by crook, it's impozble that i could choose not to dance with him. wat to do.... suddenly his classmates, one by one, hand in hand, surrounded us! saying wat 'this is the pair which cannot be disturbed..' did all the sorts of silly things which drew the attention of people around. saw some seniors actually stared at the two of us when dancing. tat's really OMG... dunno how to describe the shyness lar....@@~
i expected to take photo with senior sim, but not a dance lo...-_______________-"
when i walked to weisheng tai lou's table, also where ah cheik sat.. the course mates suddenly joked and said ah cheik wanted to dance with me. and guess what did ah cheik do once he heard his name? aha~ he quickly switched to the nearest table! :rofl:
the dinner ended around 10sth, cause some second year seniors had their test on the very next day.
while waiting for bus at the lobby, some photos were taken.*ref to the post FKA nite(1)*
after the photo taking session, conversation was done while waiting for the bus. suddenly someone shouted "oh!!! u take a shot of sarah secretly!!!" i forgot who shouted that. and out of a sudden, everyone turned their head and wondered who's that. and everyone "oh!!!!" well, of course, i'm not excluded. aha~ guess who did that? the one who took a shot of mine secretly was weihong, ah cheik's roommate. lol... i guess.... he's superb paiseh. :rofl:
not bad... the dinner. sketch was superb! hahaha....
good job, second year seniors! *except for the part that u ppl didnt wait for the five of us for dinner...T_____T*
[more photos will be uploaded once i got all the photos from seniors. stay tuned!^^]
how should i start..... hmm...
five first year gurls were late... only left salad and fruits as our dinner...
when we reached there, the sketch was on part two d... sobz....
throughout the dinner, i had F.U.N pulling ties. :rofl: McDonald koko's, pak Ling's, ah goh's, eric's, my direct's and etc.. their ties were pulled. hiak hiak... me very bad ho? blek..XD some were scared by me. so oni managed to pull once or twice. ehee... told ya d.. me naughty wat..=D
few rounds of lucky draws... *none of my business T.T* sketch was continued part by part... souvenirs for the final year seniors... photo taking sessions went on at all times... simple game... and then the sketch was ended with dancing. my direct asked for a dance. my FIRST dance in my life was RUINED by him!!!!!!T__________________T cause he didnt know how to dance. haiz.....
surely will change partners in the dancing pool, guys and gurls alike. guess what actually happened when i danced with senior gary?
he handed me over into the hand of senior sim!!*picture of him will be uploaded. stay tuned!*
and here goes the most embarrassing scene of my life!
by hook or by crook, it's impozble that i could choose not to dance with him. wat to do.... suddenly his classmates, one by one, hand in hand, surrounded us! saying wat 'this is the pair which cannot be disturbed..' did all the sorts of silly things which drew the attention of people around. saw some seniors actually stared at the two of us when dancing. tat's really OMG... dunno how to describe the shyness lar....@@~
i expected to take photo with senior sim, but not a dance lo...-_______________-"
when i walked to weisheng tai lou's table, also where ah cheik sat.. the course mates suddenly joked and said ah cheik wanted to dance with me. and guess what did ah cheik do once he heard his name? aha~ he quickly switched to the nearest table! :rofl:
the dinner ended around 10sth, cause some second year seniors had their test on the very next day.
while waiting for bus at the lobby, some photos were taken.*ref to the post FKA nite(1)*
after the photo taking session, conversation was done while waiting for the bus. suddenly someone shouted "oh!!! u take a shot of sarah secretly!!!" i forgot who shouted that. and out of a sudden, everyone turned their head and wondered who's that. and everyone "oh!!!!" well, of course, i'm not excluded. aha~ guess who did that? the one who took a shot of mine secretly was weihong, ah cheik's roommate. lol... i guess.... he's superb paiseh. :rofl:
not bad... the dinner. sketch was superb! hahaha....
good job, second year seniors! *except for the part that u ppl didnt wait for the five of us for dinner...T_____T*
[more photos will be uploaded once i got all the photos from seniors. stay tuned!^^]
Sep 22, 2008
FKA nite(1)
FKA nite.. on the 20th, started at 630pm. but the five first year gurls [including me] arrived around 745pm. V.I.P.--very important princesses. wakakakakakakakaka....
when we reached there... T.T not much food left. had salad and fruits only...55555555.... reached winnie's house for preparation around 6pm. well, clothes changing and make ups... tat's why we were late. blek...XD quite a nice one, except the food part ';..;'
here are some of the pictures...^^
second year senior, McDonald koko.. he owes me McDonald, so call him McDonald koko.. wakakakaka..
second year senior, Pak Ling. seniors that nite called him pak ling, i oso dunno why.. he's the chairperson for the nite.
my direct senior,zhi ming.
third year senior,chu long. i call him 'ancestor's dinosaur' in chinese. hiak hiakz...
and this is my rumourly bf, ah cheik. wakakakaka... senior gary was the one in white stood behind us. he caught the two of us taking pics.
second year senior,dunno the name,oni know that he's one of the mcs.. hehe...
course mate, chunwai. he's far too tall liao,so he had to sit down..hehe..=D
second year senior, senior goh. he's not tall, sat for fun x_x
second year senior,melissa. creax and lin, she's the daughter of mr voon, our primary sch teacher..
classmate, weisheng tai lou.. dun see him looks obedient, the truth is,he's super cold... humourous if u wan to say... lolx...>.<
not a complete group photo..x_x
3rd year senior,forgot-her-name. paiseh...
my roommate...
course mate,chia chun. an engtau kia with gf liao.. sorry gals..XD
course mates. from the left: weihong(ah cheik's roommate), tianfook,me,weisheng tai lou..
[to be continued...] library chasing ppl balik... interesting story to share. stay tuned!
when we reached there... T.T not much food left. had salad and fruits only...55555555.... reached winnie's house for preparation around 6pm. well, clothes changing and make ups... tat's why we were late. blek...XD quite a nice one, except the food part ';..;'
here are some of the pictures...^^

[to be continued...] library chasing ppl balik... interesting story to share. stay tuned!
Sep 17, 2008
super happy!!!^^
hehe... very very happy these two days. aha~
finally managed to make it to wash my bedsheets! eyaaaahooooOOO!!! it's been about a month since i last washed it. classmate asked if wanna wash bedsheet, cause she's going to wash it yesterday afternoon as it was a very good weather to dry clothes under the sun.
after i got back to my room from library and had a refreshing bath, i started to wash my clothes agAIN. erm erm... i wash my clothes everyday le... cause i walk here and there everyday mer...=D
while washing..... i spotted something behind my back. and tat's...............................
*drum rolls*
a BRAND NEW washing machine!
at first floor!!!
yahooooOO!!! *clap clap*
actually there's one at the ground floor (i think it's one, not so sure), but i never used the washing machine to wash my clothes before, cause it's at the ground floor, kinda troublesome for me to walk up and down. so,i've been washing my clothes by hand all these months.
without second hesitation, i quickly went into my room and took out my jeans, small towels and a bulky shirt(the merdeka one) out and dumped them into the washing machine. wahahahahhaha....
as hari raya is around the corner, there's a promotion on the fees. it's RM1 per washing. before this was RM2. keke...
after washing my clothes with detergent, i fed the machine with another RM1 to soak my clothes with softerner. aha~ thank God... if it was RM2 per washing, i'll have to spend RM4 on washing clothes =D
wahahaha.... so the very very happy ler... can start to wash my towels, bedsheets,trousers and jeans liao... hehe... i dont wanna collect a week's clothes then baru dump them into the washing machine, so i'll still wash my clothes by hand if the clothes arent heavy ^^
went out to jusco at night around 8sth. thank God for my care group sis..^^ bought quite lotsa things from there. erm erm the instant mushroom soup(as dinner with bread), a 3L softlan which is only at RM7.00++!! wanted to buy the 5L one, about RM15 nia nia.. but too heavy, scare cant carry...*staying at the first floor mar.. have to climb staircase de ey..* then then then... spent alot on make up thingy ler...x_x fac nite this saturday mer... bought eyeshadow, cleansing milk,foundation and eye curler... die die die... overspent liao... God bless me on my trip to KL ler..AMEN!
hmm.. talking about fac nite... five first year gurls goin including me -_-" and guess wat... even my room mate will be wearing spaghetti stripe dress... while me, i'm the only one who wont be wearing any sexy dress at all. not even spaghetti stripe.blek XD cause wat... faculty nite nia nia mar... so wat? before i came here, i dont plan to fish any guys. some more it's only FKA(fakulti kejuruteraan awam),not FKM or wat... if it's FKM maybe i'll consider to wear something more grand[nah, was just bluffing. ha!] faculty nite.. do gurls have to put on few inches thicked ICI? for me, i'll only put on some eyeshadow. nothing much ler.. wat's the point of having few inches of ICI on the face when all the guys saw ur face condition before putting up make ups? unless u started to put on make up since the very first day of schooling. then.. maybe.. it's a must to put on few inches of ICI on faculty nite. hehe.. just a pinch of idea. *gurls, dont stone me ey?=P* seniors of FKA... dont think we have to please them purposely for the sake of notes. rofl..
received a call from apple@sg this morning, saying that my psu is ready! eyaaaahhhhooooOOOO... can start to watch sitcoms agAIN! aha~ gonna take it on friday. skipping stupid english class..*spare me, Lord x_x* dont wanna go on sat, scare couldnt get back to johor on time... teeheehee....
thank GOd ar.......*clap clap*^^
a BIG happy 20th to my gurlfriend, tzehui and also ojibala!
*paiseh ouh.. the 'happy burfdae' isnt big. cause i couldnt change the font size...T.T
anyways, happy birthday! GOd bless u two!^^
finally managed to make it to wash my bedsheets! eyaaaahooooOOO!!! it's been about a month since i last washed it. classmate asked if wanna wash bedsheet, cause she's going to wash it yesterday afternoon as it was a very good weather to dry clothes under the sun.
after i got back to my room from library and had a refreshing bath, i started to wash my clothes agAIN. erm erm... i wash my clothes everyday le... cause i walk here and there everyday mer...=D
while washing..... i spotted something behind my back. and tat's...............................
*drum rolls*
a BRAND NEW washing machine!
at first floor!!!
yahooooOO!!! *clap clap*
actually there's one at the ground floor (i think it's one, not so sure), but i never used the washing machine to wash my clothes before, cause it's at the ground floor, kinda troublesome for me to walk up and down. so,i've been washing my clothes by hand all these months.
without second hesitation, i quickly went into my room and took out my jeans, small towels and a bulky shirt(the merdeka one) out and dumped them into the washing machine. wahahahahhaha....
as hari raya is around the corner, there's a promotion on the fees. it's RM1 per washing. before this was RM2. keke...
after washing my clothes with detergent, i fed the machine with another RM1 to soak my clothes with softerner. aha~ thank God... if it was RM2 per washing, i'll have to spend RM4 on washing clothes =D
wahahaha.... so the very very happy ler... can start to wash my towels, bedsheets,trousers and jeans liao... hehe... i dont wanna collect a week's clothes then baru dump them into the washing machine, so i'll still wash my clothes by hand if the clothes arent heavy ^^
went out to jusco at night around 8sth. thank God for my care group sis..^^ bought quite lotsa things from there. erm erm the instant mushroom soup(as dinner with bread), a 3L softlan which is only at RM7.00++!! wanted to buy the 5L one, about RM15 nia nia.. but too heavy, scare cant carry...*staying at the first floor mar.. have to climb staircase de ey..* then then then... spent alot on make up thingy ler...x_x fac nite this saturday mer... bought eyeshadow, cleansing milk,foundation and eye curler... die die die... overspent liao... God bless me on my trip to KL ler..AMEN!
hmm.. talking about fac nite... five first year gurls goin including me -_-" and guess wat... even my room mate will be wearing spaghetti stripe dress... while me, i'm the only one who wont be wearing any sexy dress at all. not even spaghetti stripe.blek XD cause wat... faculty nite nia nia mar... so wat? before i came here, i dont plan to fish any guys. some more it's only FKA(fakulti kejuruteraan awam),not FKM or wat... if it's FKM maybe i'll consider to wear something more grand[nah, was just bluffing. ha!] faculty nite.. do gurls have to put on few inches thicked ICI? for me, i'll only put on some eyeshadow. nothing much ler.. wat's the point of having few inches of ICI on the face when all the guys saw ur face condition before putting up make ups? unless u started to put on make up since the very first day of schooling. then.. maybe.. it's a must to put on few inches of ICI on faculty nite. hehe.. just a pinch of idea. *gurls, dont stone me ey?=P* seniors of FKA... dont think we have to please them purposely for the sake of notes. rofl..
received a call from apple@sg this morning, saying that my psu is ready! eyaaaahhhhooooOOOO... can start to watch sitcoms agAIN! aha~ gonna take it on friday. skipping stupid english class..*spare me, Lord x_x* dont wanna go on sat, scare couldnt get back to johor on time... teeheehee....
thank GOd ar.......*clap clap*^^
a BIG happy 20th to my gurlfriend, tzehui and also ojibala!
*paiseh ouh.. the 'happy burfdae' isnt big. cause i couldnt change the font size...T.T
anyways, happy birthday! GOd bless u two!^^
God's gracious,
smile ^^,
turning 'water' pipe on
Sep 16, 2008
a story
a story to be shared.
here's a gurl. a stupid gurl.
she got to know the last day for her final exam. happily she planned on when to go back to her hometown. and happily she took out her phone to call her dad to ask him to book the tickets for her. unpleasant words were spoken to her... even the tickets for chinese new year isnt bought also.. her heart sank to the deepest...
she went back to the class with a smile still. how great..
half way through the an-hour lecture, tears rolled down her cheeks. she failed to hold back the tears. thank God that she was sitting at quite a front row. so her classmates didnt notice it. also, the lecturer was busying 'speaking' from the book. so, no one knows that she'd actually cried for a while. aha~
people around might see her as rich. she's only rich in christ. not in the reality. her dad gives her RM1500 every month. and halt, the RM1500 is as in RM750 is deducted from the maintenance given to her mum. so, she has to bank in the RM750 to her mum back. practically she has RM750 every month. rich heh? wait.. the story hasnt ended yet. actually RM400-500 is enough . so she's still rich. but......
she has to save the money for air tickets!
during the previous holidays, she asked her mum to book the air tickets for her to go home. her mum asked her to get her dad to pay her back. and also the RM400 for the stupid servix cancer injection. when she called her dad for that.. her dad asked her to pay herself, as he gives her RM1500 every month, which he thinks its RM1500, not knowing tat this stupid gurl only has RM750 every month. all and all RM700+ she paid her mum (the injection and also the tickets). no one knows that the money she used was her own money. even her mum also thought that the dad paid for those. RM700+.... thank God that she worked before off for studies.
then she heard that airasia had a promotion. 1billion free seats, which departs on may'09 till july '09. agAIN, she asked her mum to buy the tickets as she'll be having end-sem break by tat time. she blurr-blurrly asked her mum to buy only the one goin back to her hometown, cause she wasnt quite sure when does she have to go back to her study place. few days later after that, she managed to confirm the date to go back. she rang up her mum and asked her to book the tickets. then, there were no more free seats. oni those so called 'promo' tickets. a total of RM220+ for to and fro. her mum asked her to get her dad to bank-in the money. she said ok, yet making no calls. thus, she paid for the tickets herself.
a question to ponder:
people around thought she's rich. is she?
still very tiring. woke up early in the morning at 7am when my lectures started at 9am! thanx to my room mate, woke up early in the morning by 7am. i was woke up by her. didnt sleep well also.. cause she didnt switch off her desk light.. sigh...
here's a gurl. a stupid gurl.
she got to know the last day for her final exam. happily she planned on when to go back to her hometown. and happily she took out her phone to call her dad to ask him to book the tickets for her. unpleasant words were spoken to her... even the tickets for chinese new year isnt bought also.. her heart sank to the deepest...
she went back to the class with a smile still. how great..
half way through the an-hour lecture, tears rolled down her cheeks. she failed to hold back the tears. thank God that she was sitting at quite a front row. so her classmates didnt notice it. also, the lecturer was busying 'speaking' from the book. so, no one knows that she'd actually cried for a while. aha~
people around might see her as rich. she's only rich in christ. not in the reality. her dad gives her RM1500 every month. and halt, the RM1500 is as in RM750 is deducted from the maintenance given to her mum. so, she has to bank in the RM750 to her mum back. practically she has RM750 every month. rich heh? wait.. the story hasnt ended yet. actually RM400-500 is enough . so she's still rich. but......
she has to save the money for air tickets!
during the previous holidays, she asked her mum to book the air tickets for her to go home. her mum asked her to get her dad to pay her back. and also the RM400 for the stupid servix cancer injection. when she called her dad for that.. her dad asked her to pay herself, as he gives her RM1500 every month, which he thinks its RM1500, not knowing tat this stupid gurl only has RM750 every month. all and all RM700+ she paid her mum (the injection and also the tickets). no one knows that the money she used was her own money. even her mum also thought that the dad paid for those. RM700+.... thank God that she worked before off for studies.
then she heard that airasia had a promotion. 1billion free seats, which departs on may'09 till july '09. agAIN, she asked her mum to buy the tickets as she'll be having end-sem break by tat time. she blurr-blurrly asked her mum to buy only the one goin back to her hometown, cause she wasnt quite sure when does she have to go back to her study place. few days later after that, she managed to confirm the date to go back. she rang up her mum and asked her to book the tickets. then, there were no more free seats. oni those so called 'promo' tickets. a total of RM220+ for to and fro. her mum asked her to get her dad to bank-in the money. she said ok, yet making no calls. thus, she paid for the tickets herself.
a question to ponder:
people around thought she's rich. is she?
still very tiring. woke up early in the morning at 7am when my lectures started at 9am! thanx to my room mate, woke up early in the morning by 7am. i was woke up by her. didnt sleep well also.. cause she didnt switch off her desk light.. sigh...
Sep 15, 2008
God's gracious.. nothing wrong with my macbook. although i had it kissed on the floor with such a big force. :rofl: something wrong with the psu nia nia..[psu:power supply unit] ehee.. but then.. right now.. me very kesian lor... mac's battery flat. have to borrow psu from course mate... thank God that i do have course mate using mac as well. if not... hohohoho..... the consequences might be terrible. cause i have to wait till this friday or sat baru can get back my new psu..T____T
tired tired tired...
eyes are painful due to dryness. haiz... longing for a nap very very much ';..;'
hmm... students, i do have a good news to share. ehee...
if u want to have a smooth revision, spare time for a devotion!!
aha~ and that's wat i did last night.
room mate wasnt in room last night, handphone is running out of battery, so cant listen to radio station. all alone in room, quiet.. looking up on my shelf, i saw the book 'purpose driven life'. shifted my eyesight to the other corner, there my bible laid. made a decision to start 'purpose driven life'. well, i bought it around may. but it's left untouched. cause the book says that you'll have to read it by sparing a quiet time. so, all these while, i never touched it.
finally read it last night, with the companion of bible, both handphones OFF, no noise pollution.
about 45min to an hour of devotion.
after that quiet time, i remembered that i'd have to hand in applied mechanics' tutorial 5 & 6 this wednesday. so took it out and did two questions.
and i found the questions arent tough at all!
praise the Lord.
so ya, have a quiet time with Lord before start studying. it really really helps a LOT! aha~ (am i preaching? nay, i'm not!^^)
had my impromptu speech turn last friday.
the session made me a lil culture shock. people here........ the english..... are their grammar so poor?*sorry if i intrigued any,but tat's the fact*
i dunno how to put it in words, but then, really... OMG.
after the session was over, the lecturer actually said that i'm in the good catagory. and that makes me more curious. back in form6, joshua, chuanhao, and yingfeng them are much better than me. their muet band5 de worh...
and now, in my UHB section... my lecturer acutally said that i'm in the good category, the speech was fluent and etc! i guess... people here... the english... *em hem!*
well, i'd have to thank God also, for the fluent speech. last monday was the first session, topics people before me picked were freakishly easy, i can have paragraphs for that. but when it came to my session, which was on last friday, the titles seemed to be OMG *not so easy* some more i chosen the title 'three ways to save your money'. wat can be done in the 5min preparation? not much idea i have.
agAIN, stage fright. *sigh sigh*
so... when my lecturer said i'm good, i thanked God ^^
tired tireD tirED tiRED tIRED TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forensic heroes part two very nice. touching o.@@~ quite a few scenes are tears-earning. well, i managed to controlled it from rolling down my cheeks tho. haha!
mooncake festival last night. didnt really celebrate it. course mates were busying with dunno-wat-thing, so no gathering. but, the mooncake is still there. one with munchy, while the other one in my cupboard. i didnt buy tat... some people gave me.
miss my home... the way my mum talked on the phone like very cham. blurb..x_x cause she's the only one in kuching with my fat darling. me in johor here, while bro in miri. aha~ blurb...
p/s: how do guys chase gurls? buying things? erm.. seemed like it doesnt suit me at all. hey! i am NOT materialistic! okay? blurb....x_x
tired tired tired...
eyes are painful due to dryness. haiz... longing for a nap very very much ';..;'
hmm... students, i do have a good news to share. ehee...
if u want to have a smooth revision, spare time for a devotion!!
aha~ and that's wat i did last night.
room mate wasnt in room last night, handphone is running out of battery, so cant listen to radio station. all alone in room, quiet.. looking up on my shelf, i saw the book 'purpose driven life'. shifted my eyesight to the other corner, there my bible laid. made a decision to start 'purpose driven life'. well, i bought it around may. but it's left untouched. cause the book says that you'll have to read it by sparing a quiet time. so, all these while, i never touched it.
finally read it last night, with the companion of bible, both handphones OFF, no noise pollution.
about 45min to an hour of devotion.
after that quiet time, i remembered that i'd have to hand in applied mechanics' tutorial 5 & 6 this wednesday. so took it out and did two questions.
and i found the questions arent tough at all!
praise the Lord.
so ya, have a quiet time with Lord before start studying. it really really helps a LOT! aha~ (am i preaching? nay, i'm not!^^)
had my impromptu speech turn last friday.
the session made me a lil culture shock. people here........ the english..... are their grammar so poor?*sorry if i intrigued any,but tat's the fact*
i dunno how to put it in words, but then, really... OMG.
after the session was over, the lecturer actually said that i'm in the good catagory. and that makes me more curious. back in form6, joshua, chuanhao, and yingfeng them are much better than me. their muet band5 de worh...
and now, in my UHB section... my lecturer acutally said that i'm in the good category, the speech was fluent and etc! i guess... people here... the english... *em hem!*
well, i'd have to thank God also, for the fluent speech. last monday was the first session, topics people before me picked were freakishly easy, i can have paragraphs for that. but when it came to my session, which was on last friday, the titles seemed to be OMG *not so easy* some more i chosen the title 'three ways to save your money'. wat can be done in the 5min preparation? not much idea i have.
agAIN, stage fright. *sigh sigh*
so... when my lecturer said i'm good, i thanked God ^^
tired tireD tirED tiRED tIRED TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forensic heroes part two very nice. touching o.@@~ quite a few scenes are tears-earning. well, i managed to controlled it from rolling down my cheeks tho. haha!
mooncake festival last night. didnt really celebrate it. course mates were busying with dunno-wat-thing, so no gathering. but, the mooncake is still there. one with munchy, while the other one in my cupboard. i didnt buy tat... some people gave me.
miss my home... the way my mum talked on the phone like very cham. blurb..x_x cause she's the only one in kuching with my fat darling. me in johor here, while bro in miri. aha~ blurb...
p/s: how do guys chase gurls? buying things? erm.. seemed like it doesnt suit me at all. hey! i am NOT materialistic! okay? blurb....x_x
God's gracious,
smile ^^,
uni life
Sep 12, 2008
fact? is it?
helped out with some decoration last night. JKM is running the mooncake fest celebration. and i'm under publicity and also decoration team. it's 12midnite when the leaders allowed us to off.
saw munchy with some bio info guys at ukit. sat there and chit chatted for a while. then the gang dismisssed ourselves. walked along with the two bio info guys, as their block is just opposite to mine. short conversation while walking. one of them started the conversation by saying tat i have lotsa boyfriends when he saw me texting. of cause i said nope. he brought up ah cheik. explaination done. hahaz.. then i said relationship thingy cant be rushed after, problems will arise when picked a lame one. :rofl:
"it's hard to get a lame guy when in uni," he said.
ponder: ouh yea, true also.. university liao worh... lame guys wont be in uni.. agree? haha...
"need to see if got electric or not oso mar..." i added.
he then strongly promoted his friend, who was walking along with us also. haha...
then i joked and said "see how lor.. out for a drink next time to see if got electric or not lor... haha.."
"u didnt tell him ur name, how to 'pei yang gan qing'[read in chinese] worh?"
shocked mode. sounded serious. so introduced myself to his friend. and so did tat guy introduce himself to me. haha...
it's sort of a fact. there wont be lame guys in university. especially local uni. true wat...
sounds like.. i'd have to think of some silly thingy agAIN ey? haha...
*going singapore moro, to send my mac to clinic. dont think i can wait till 26th. haha...*
ehren, safe journey to uk. keep in touch!^^
saw munchy with some bio info guys at ukit. sat there and chit chatted for a while. then the gang dismisssed ourselves. walked along with the two bio info guys, as their block is just opposite to mine. short conversation while walking. one of them started the conversation by saying tat i have lotsa boyfriends when he saw me texting. of cause i said nope. he brought up ah cheik. explaination done. hahaz.. then i said relationship thingy cant be rushed after, problems will arise when picked a lame one. :rofl:
"it's hard to get a lame guy when in uni," he said.
ponder: ouh yea, true also.. university liao worh... lame guys wont be in uni.. agree? haha...
"need to see if got electric or not oso mar..." i added.
he then strongly promoted his friend, who was walking along with us also. haha...
then i joked and said "see how lor.. out for a drink next time to see if got electric or not lor... haha.."
"u didnt tell him ur name, how to 'pei yang gan qing'[read in chinese] worh?"
shocked mode. sounded serious. so introduced myself to his friend. and so did tat guy introduce himself to me. haha...
it's sort of a fact. there wont be lame guys in university. especially local uni. true wat...
sounds like.. i'd have to think of some silly thingy agAIN ey? haha...
*going singapore moro, to send my mac to clinic. dont think i can wait till 26th. haha...*
ehren, safe journey to uk. keep in touch!^^
Sep 11, 2008
gurls, ever think of this? or have anyone of u met this situation before?
why a gurl hardly speak to another gurl? not to say asking for her hp num. eventhough both of them are of the same class.... is it tat tat gurl actually post a threat to her? wondering......
yup, God's mercy... i passed my calculus test!!!!! 18/30. wakakakakakakaka... well, actually i shouldnt be happy. course mates all got more than 20/30, chinese i mean. but then, i didnt really study by then, although i did study a bit.. and tat's seriously a BIT. things i'd studied all went down into drain. so... i actually calculated that i'll fail my calculus after calculating the marks during the test. ehiuks... Thank God..*clap clap*
mooncake festival coming soon... home-sicking....
suddenly regretted that why didnt i cherish those festivals when i was in kuching.. why did i spent my time burying myself in books...
why i'm at elsewhere d when i wanna celebrate mooncake festival wit my family..
no point regretting. what have passed, is passed....
an interesting topic here:
why dont people sweep rooms?
why dont people wash their plates or cups right after they had used it?
why are people expecting others to sweep the rooms?
i dont understand.
my room mate esp. broom is in the room. when i asked her 'do u sweep the room?', she answered me no. saying that she doesnt have a broom [nearly fainted on the spot] broom IS in the room. OMG.............
i wonder if she sweeps at home or not. x____________________________x
is that uni life? or life in hostel? blurb...
so the very kek tio today. FAB[fakulti alam bina] fren asked me to go for lunch. lectures of the day ended around 1120am. so i said okay. she asked me to go kooperasi there for lunch. i agreed as well. was online-ing at the library till 1250pm. then off i headed for kooperasi. ojibala, library to koopearsi not so near rite? then when i reached kooperasi, didnt see her, so i called her up. then she said it's central point. OMG..............>.<" the so called kooperasi is actually central point! and u know what, i walked from kooperasi to central point. when reached there, not much choices of food i had. either fried stuffs or spicy stuffs -_____________-" how to eat? i ended up with two ice cream cones ';..;' ';..;' then from central point i walked back to library to study agAIN. geng le?*applause please.* @@~
why a gurl hardly speak to another gurl? not to say asking for her hp num. eventhough both of them are of the same class.... is it tat tat gurl actually post a threat to her? wondering......
yup, God's mercy... i passed my calculus test!!!!! 18/30. wakakakakakakaka... well, actually i shouldnt be happy. course mates all got more than 20/30, chinese i mean. but then, i didnt really study by then, although i did study a bit.. and tat's seriously a BIT. things i'd studied all went down into drain. so... i actually calculated that i'll fail my calculus after calculating the marks during the test. ehiuks... Thank God..*clap clap*
mooncake festival coming soon... home-sicking....
suddenly regretted that why didnt i cherish those festivals when i was in kuching.. why did i spent my time burying myself in books...
why i'm at elsewhere d when i wanna celebrate mooncake festival wit my family..
no point regretting. what have passed, is passed....
an interesting topic here:
why dont people sweep rooms?
why dont people wash their plates or cups right after they had used it?
why are people expecting others to sweep the rooms?
i dont understand.
my room mate esp. broom is in the room. when i asked her 'do u sweep the room?', she answered me no. saying that she doesnt have a broom [nearly fainted on the spot] broom IS in the room. OMG.............
i wonder if she sweeps at home or not. x____________________________x
is that uni life? or life in hostel? blurb...
so the very kek tio today. FAB[fakulti alam bina] fren asked me to go for lunch. lectures of the day ended around 1120am. so i said okay. she asked me to go kooperasi there for lunch. i agreed as well. was online-ing at the library till 1250pm. then off i headed for kooperasi. ojibala, library to koopearsi not so near rite? then when i reached kooperasi, didnt see her, so i called her up. then she said it's central point. OMG..............>.<" the so called kooperasi is actually central point! and u know what, i walked from kooperasi to central point. when reached there, not much choices of food i had. either fried stuffs or spicy stuffs -_____________-" how to eat? i ended up with two ice cream cones ';..;' ';..;' then from central point i walked back to library to study agAIN. geng le?*applause please.* @@~
Sep 9, 2008
so so so the very malang these few days.. tho with good weather which allows me to take few baths per day again. sigh....
my mac.........................................
had it kissed the floor yesterday... put it on my lap to clean my desk, then 'bang!' it goes on the floor. sakit hati till now ler....T______________________TTTT
hopeless ki... one of the LEDs rosak liao... have to bring it for doctor on the 26th, skipping stupid english class... to bring it to singapore.... 55555555555 T_______________T
semangat i am to go library to revise calculus today. brought everything with me, without realising that i left my calculus textbook on my desk. ';..;' ';..;'
ended up blogging now at the library...
so people, better dont get near to me these few days. I AM UNLUCKY.....T_T
can i block that lil brat on friendster? so so so the very dunno-how-to-describe whenever i saw his face popping up.. telling me that his profile is updated and etc. grrrrrrrrRRR.....
my mac.........................................
had it kissed the floor yesterday... put it on my lap to clean my desk, then 'bang!' it goes on the floor. sakit hati till now ler....T______________________TTTT
hopeless ki... one of the LEDs rosak liao... have to bring it for doctor on the 26th, skipping stupid english class... to bring it to singapore.... 55555555555 T_______________T
semangat i am to go library to revise calculus today. brought everything with me, without realising that i left my calculus textbook on my desk. ';..;' ';..;'
ended up blogging now at the library...
so people, better dont get near to me these few days. I AM UNLUCKY.....T_T
can i block that lil brat on friendster? so so so the very dunno-how-to-describe whenever i saw his face popping up.. telling me that his profile is updated and etc. grrrrrrrrRRR.....
Sep 8, 2008
stupid wireless
wifi UTM memang keng. wasnt able to detect it for a few days already... dunno wat's wrong. maybe puasa, they have no energy to mend the problem. blurb..... so these few days i'm chasing after forensic heroes part two XD
erm erm...
couldnt even upload photos at library.. sien chin..... sien sien s!en!!!!!!!!! derrrrr....
nvm then. back to what i've done these few days. hmm...
oya, went tebrau with classmates last saturday. with munchy, siew chin, yee shian and not to forget about my gurlfriend, tzehui also. aha~
waited for campus bus around 9am. after we aboarded a public bus, went sri puteri to buy bus ticket to kl during raya. oya, am going to kl on the 27th. hehe... same, goin there to jalan-jalan sambil makan. hahahahahaha..... [in order to do so, i've started dieting right now, if not.. later after came back from raya scare that i wont be able to wear all my clothes. rofl]
we then went tebrau by transitting buses at city square. great shopping time at tebrau. reached there around 11am, walked till 3sth baru balik. haha... tebrau is a nice place to shop at, better than city square, at least. lol... shopped for dinner wear.. oya, our FKA nite will be on the 20th of september, at new york hotel. ticket fee: RM55. !!!!!!!!!!!!!#%@*^&%
tried on about ten dresses at two boutiques. one was the dunno-wat-name, with expensive dresses which i dont think is worth for me to buy cause of the quality. the other one is Yishion. great! affordable price, good clothes quality, nice design. aha~ so bought a dress from Yishion, not so expensive, RM75. eheee.... dont be curious of how sexy is the dress, cause..... it's only a simple dress, with lotsa clothes used up. hiak hiakz....
phone nearly kena stolen when wanted to aboard a bus back to city square. not my nokia phone, but my SE w580i. whoohooo.... really a narrow escape. thank God for my high frequency scream which actually scared the pickpocket off and caused my phone to drop on the floor. hiak hiak.... memang thank God. munchy who was alil sleepy by then was woke up by my high frequency screaming. wakakakakkaka.... the details... i dunno how to put it in words. but, it's really interesting. yea, interesting. ehee...=P
after we got back to taman university, again we went to jusco. blek...XD to shop for biscuits, milk and daily needs. hehez.... lotsa biscuits i bought. mostly high fibre and organic ones. lol.... [goin on a healthy lifestyle x_x lol..] bought some mooncakes oso. since i cant go back home... so celebrate with classmates lo... hehe...
saw gangs at the bus stop waited for campus bus to send us back, and tat was around 8pm when my college's bus came. hehe... actually didnt wanna tell my course mates that my phone was nearly being stolen... thanx to munchy. he told aaron and ah cheik the intereting story.. then one by one i explained to them. blurb.....
in a conclusion, keep a high frequency scream. wahahahhahahaha....
i still prefer to stay single. every senior i saw, i'll call them 'senior koko'. haha.....
fingers off now i guess... kinda a long post. hehe...
erm erm...
couldnt even upload photos at library.. sien chin..... sien sien s!en!!!!!!!!! derrrrr....
nvm then. back to what i've done these few days. hmm...
oya, went tebrau with classmates last saturday. with munchy, siew chin, yee shian and not to forget about my gurlfriend, tzehui also. aha~
waited for campus bus around 9am. after we aboarded a public bus, went sri puteri to buy bus ticket to kl during raya. oya, am going to kl on the 27th. hehe... same, goin there to jalan-jalan sambil makan. hahahahahaha..... [in order to do so, i've started dieting right now, if not.. later after came back from raya scare that i wont be able to wear all my clothes. rofl]
we then went tebrau by transitting buses at city square. great shopping time at tebrau. reached there around 11am, walked till 3sth baru balik. haha... tebrau is a nice place to shop at, better than city square, at least. lol... shopped for dinner wear.. oya, our FKA nite will be on the 20th of september, at new york hotel. ticket fee: RM55. !!!!!!!!!!!!!#%@*^&%
tried on about ten dresses at two boutiques. one was the dunno-wat-name, with expensive dresses which i dont think is worth for me to buy cause of the quality. the other one is Yishion. great! affordable price, good clothes quality, nice design. aha~ so bought a dress from Yishion, not so expensive, RM75. eheee.... dont be curious of how sexy is the dress, cause..... it's only a simple dress, with lotsa clothes used up. hiak hiakz....
phone nearly kena stolen when wanted to aboard a bus back to city square. not my nokia phone, but my SE w580i. whoohooo.... really a narrow escape. thank God for my high frequency scream which actually scared the pickpocket off and caused my phone to drop on the floor. hiak hiak.... memang thank God. munchy who was alil sleepy by then was woke up by my high frequency screaming. wakakakakkaka.... the details... i dunno how to put it in words. but, it's really interesting. yea, interesting. ehee...=P
after we got back to taman university, again we went to jusco. blek...XD to shop for biscuits, milk and daily needs. hehez.... lotsa biscuits i bought. mostly high fibre and organic ones. lol.... [goin on a healthy lifestyle x_x lol..] bought some mooncakes oso. since i cant go back home... so celebrate with classmates lo... hehe...
saw gangs at the bus stop waited for campus bus to send us back, and tat was around 8pm when my college's bus came. hehe... actually didnt wanna tell my course mates that my phone was nearly being stolen... thanx to munchy. he told aaron and ah cheik the intereting story.. then one by one i explained to them. blurb.....
in a conclusion, keep a high frequency scream. wahahahhahahaha....
i still prefer to stay single. every senior i saw, i'll call them 'senior koko'. haha.....
fingers off now i guess... kinda a long post. hehe...
God's gracious,
smile ^^,
turning 'water' pipe on
Sep 6, 2008
ah tat!!!!!
post a post just for u ey...
happy happy 20th ouh...
20 liao... be good ey? hiakz hiakz...
happy burfdae to neo zhi yuan, my da koko.... whose burfdae is on the 4th. and also bryan chan, on the 6th.
happy happy burfdae to all of three!! may the best to u all ^^
post a post just for u ey...
happy happy 20th ouh...
20 liao... be good ey? hiakz hiakz...
happy burfdae to neo zhi yuan, my da koko.... whose burfdae is on the 4th. and also bryan chan, on the 6th.
happy happy burfdae to all of three!! may the best to u all ^^
Sep 1, 2008
well,the truth is--------- nothing more than brother and sister. i only wanna have fun throughout my four years of uni life. wheeEpss!^^
its fun to be a real foreigner. when u have no one who's familiar with the place u going. and all u did was depending on a map and asking people around for direction. tat's wat i like! explorer....... aha~
lotsa pictures taken. lazy to edit. cause toooo tired.. far far far far too tired than u all can imagine ^^
so yea, be patient for pictures ^^,
its fun to be a real foreigner. when u have no one who's familiar with the place u going. and all u did was depending on a map and asking people around for direction. tat's wat i like! explorer....... aha~
lotsa pictures taken. lazy to edit. cause toooo tired.. far far far far too tired than u all can imagine ^^
so yea, be patient for pictures ^^,
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