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Sep 23, 2008

FKA nite(2)

[continued from FKA nite(1)...]

how should i start..... hmm...

five first year gurls were late... only left salad and fruits as our dinner...
when we reached there, the sketch was on part two d... sobz....

throughout the dinner, i had F.U.N pulling ties. :rofl: McDonald koko's, pak Ling's, ah goh's, eric's, my direct's and etc.. their ties were pulled. hiak hiak... me very bad ho? blek..XD some were scared by me. so oni managed to pull once or twice. ehee... told ya d.. me naughty wat..=D

few rounds of lucky draws... *none of my business T.T* sketch was continued part by part... souvenirs for the final year seniors... photo taking sessions went on at all times... simple game... and then the sketch was ended with dancing. my direct asked for a dance. my FIRST dance in my life was RUINED by him!!!!!!T__________________T cause he didnt know how to dance. haiz.....

surely will change partners in the dancing pool, guys and gurls alike. guess what actually happened when i danced with senior gary?

he handed me over into the hand of senior sim!!*picture of him will be uploaded. stay tuned!*

and here goes the most embarrassing scene of my life!

by hook or by crook, it's impozble that i could choose not to dance with him. wat to do.... suddenly his classmates, one by one, hand in hand, surrounded us! saying wat 'this is the pair which cannot be disturbed..' did all the sorts of silly things which drew the attention of people around. saw some seniors actually stared at the two of us when dancing. tat's really OMG... dunno how to describe the shyness lar....@@~

i expected to take photo with senior sim, but not a dance lo...-_______________-"

when i walked to weisheng tai lou's table, also where ah cheik sat.. the course mates suddenly joked and said ah cheik wanted to dance with me. and guess what did ah cheik do once he heard his name? aha~ he quickly switched to the nearest table! :rofl:

the dinner ended around 10sth, cause some second year seniors had their test on the very next day.

while waiting for bus at the lobby, some photos were taken.*ref to the post FKA nite(1)*
after the photo taking session, conversation was done while waiting for the bus. suddenly someone shouted "oh!!! u take a shot of sarah secretly!!!" i forgot who shouted that. and out of a sudden, everyone turned their head and wondered who's that. and everyone "oh!!!!" well, of course, i'm not excluded. aha~ guess who did that? the one who took a shot of mine secretly was weihong, ah cheik's roommate. lol... i guess.... he's superb paiseh. :rofl:

not bad... the dinner. sketch was superb! hahaha....

good job, second year seniors! *except for the part that u ppl didnt wait for the five of us for dinner...T_____T*

[more photos will be uploaded once i got all the photos from seniors. stay tuned!^^]

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