Food of the day

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Jan 14, 2008


Tis is for the one and only zookeeper...

panda couldnt live its days happily without zookeeper...
panda misses zookeeper...
panda needs zookeeper alot...
panda feels super insecure without zookeeper...
u know panda will be very sad when u're away...
"zookeeper's to-do list:
=) drink more water
=) take gud care of urself
=) rest more
=) be a happy baby everyday
=) oink oink earlier...
then panda will be super happie..^^ "
tis is the text..which panda sent to u today...
text u yesterday..reminding u about ur christmas pressie...
u replied tis morning..around 6sth..
u said tat u didnt reply yesterday because u were in a low mood..
zookeeper,panda's heart painNNN when u said u were in a low mood...
panda wans zookeeper to be happy everyday..
panda will be super sad if zookeeper is low wor...T_T
dont leave panda alone can????

*was called panda because of my two black eyes...*


k e l y n said...

haha... keep it up.. will support ur choices... ^^

p a n d a said...

hehez..thanx thanx...^^