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Jul 17, 2009

social issues

bet most of the kuchingnites(those of town areas) know this----along the road down to airport from the flyover of simpang tiga, the nice nice green-y trees were all down.

my only feeling towards this is angry and sad. serious. suddenly along the road, the environment is so empty. suddenly THE people so mercilessly approved the chopping down of trees for flyover-to-be. i so so so so hate THE people. really. beh tahan. sarawak memang famous of trees mar, why so kepo wanna built such a "chut song" *hokkien* flyover wor. by name its for the conveniences of kuchingnites and people outside. by name. only we kuchingnites know what's going on.
beh liang la! duh.

then comes the issue on whether to teach science and maths in english or our national language.
walao ey. use ur brain la. of course use english to teach those subjects since young wat. as if.. why only starts that for form four and five students? students have to learn every sci-fi term from the beginning again. wasting time. malaysia boleh la.

my lecturer for mechanical and electrical system also supported the phrase "malaysia boleh". cable cars of i-forgot-the-place-name is only supported by ONE cable whereas cable cars of singapore are supported by two cables, so when one of them breaks or what, there's still another one supporting the cable cars. hah. malaysia memang boleh. pengsan

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