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Jul 31, 2016

600th post

HAHA! been a long way. and it's 600th blog post here! all the rants..

thanks to recent heartburn issue, I've been preparing own lunch at office for like two mths.. simple lunch though. porridge, fish n vegetables.
initially was white rice porridge. then changed to millet, healthier they say.

found out this Zojirushi food jar can be used to "cook" foods. with the high temperature and high pressure theory. I've cooked porridge, vegetables and eggs with this magic jar. haha! it's expensive, but i think worth the spend. for my portion of porridge, it's about four to five tablespoon of rice/millet. warm the jar with the millet with hot boiling water for about five minutes, pour out the water, then fill the jar with another round of freshly boiled water to 1-1.5cm below the water level indicator. simmer for three or four hours. shake vigorously in between, if you remember ;)
actually i think the porridge would be readied in two hrs. never open the cover and check after two hrs, since my lunch time is around 12nn.

a steam fish is a must, then any choice of vegetables. thanks to my Yoei electrical lunch box :P
a very simple, yet costly meal =.=

oh new roommate by the way ;) 
too bad they dont have Calla Lily seeds.. i wanna plant some Calla Lily!!!! :(
been looking for Calla Lily for about a year. anyone knows where to find??O_O

Jul 18, 2016

Year 2 Sem 1

Another crazy sem.
the very last crazy sem.
will have only one module for last sem next year :P
but this will be a super crazy sem. three classes in the evening for three days continuously =.= =.= i hope i can cope la. hope.... first sem were monday, wednesday and friday. previous sem were monday, tuesday and thursday. i sincerely hope i'd be able to pull it through this sem. oh my oh my =.=

think my absent-mindedness is getting more n more serious
in the whatsapp chat group classmates were just talking about course registration last week.
this morning they reminded of the registration again. around 8+. i was like, "oh my, thank God they texted"
then i continue with my stuffs at work. around 11am one sent his course registration screen shot. registration started at 11am.
n i totally had this thing slipped off my mind!!!!
my goodness. thank God for that screen shot!!!! my oh my.. a very young lady with a very old brain here =.=

Jul 9, 2016

Japanese whiskies

The special man has setup this Facebook fan page to sell some rare, discontinued, hard-to-get Japanese whiskies, like those from Ichiro Chichibu distilleries and Yoichi distillery.

If any of you is interested, please do like the fan page[link as per below] and browse through the photos for more info
Whisky Heritage

Do not worry about authenticity problems. some of the whiskies i sourced them here in singapore. Please do support ya ;)

Jul 6, 2016

cross road

bought shares like i paid installment for sth.
thanks to ocbc that allows low income class ppl like me to invest in blue chip counters in small amount monthly. 
finally completed a lot of shares after ten mths ;)
how time flies.


yet another month.
been very distressed over something lately.
that i really need to vent via a glass or two of drinks.
i feel like I'm living like a very bad guy, or rather, evil.
I've changed.
i dont know why I've become so.
i need let go, but i cannot bear to let go, i hate to let go, I'm very reluctant to let go!
being at the cross road, and lost.