Food of the day

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Nov 18, 2013


tried out two types of un-bake cheesecakes, and since i dont have any electrical appliances with me, both were made MANUALLY, which is, by my hands lorrrr

 failed on the first one. should have added gelatin. should have cut the portion of honey and yogurt. and also shouldnt use marigold yogurt, should really really use greek yogurt.
it melted within like 10mins after taking it out from the fridge =.=

since i bought two blocks of Philadelphia cream cheese, and failed the first, i dare not to try on the same type of cheesecake again. couldnt afford to fail the next one. as i was kind of running out of time.

then tried on this layered cheesecake on end of October. quite a success, where i really really cut a lot on honey and really really really used greek yogurt but just two or three tablespoons. and it turned out to be okay.. at least this can tahan for about or more than half hour? should have added a bit of gelatin too.. but since it's still okay, so could not be bothered much about the gelatin. and i was really really running out of time. didnt wanna try third time.

both types tasted ok to me. in fact i do like the taste :P so i delivered a portion on 3rd Nov.

but that man sounded like didnt quite like the taste :P cause i added a bit of lemon juice so it tasted slight sourish, and thank God the honey i added was not much that he couldnt really taste the honey. what a weird man not to like honey =.=!!!

it was my first time baking a cake. people said this is baking, but to me, this is just mixing the ingredients.. to bake is with oven... hahahaha spare me with my weird logic XDDDD
and it was his first time to have someone to bake a cake for his birthday. what a honour...... he claimed that the honour is his, since it was my first time baking a cake. hey, it was mine too okay... to be the first to bake a cake for him :P :P haha!!

happy birthday!=)
he was not around, so i had to get this done earlier before his birthday.

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