Food of the day

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Nov 25, 2011


it's a listed company.
HUGe organization.
established since 17/8/1974. wOw =O

hmm just for fun.
cause my results is too lame. tho just passed the requirement.
i'm more than just not worthy to apply for it.

-in his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9-
i dont have even 0.1% of hope in it.
will just leave it to the Lord. just follow His will whether He allows me or not.

--cheers =D


+emyn+ said...

petronas? haha
u wanna change name to sarah binti tan.. like that easier to enter xD

p a n d a said...

LOL!!! how u know it's petronas??!!! hahaha nvm lar.. i just send my resume cause i have too much papers xDD