it's going to be all about water this semester.
my room gonna be flooded soon!
FYP - hydrology.
two electives - one is hydrology analysis and design, while the other one is integrated water resource management.
oh my oh my~ but i think i aint going to regret it. the two elective courses might help a lot in completing my FYP.
hmm. going to change title for my thesis. thanks to the laziness of the respective department we have in sarawak that did not do analysis on some data which is super important for my current title. siiiiiiigh! time wasted to run few times to those departments during the last hols. oh my smurf!
i have cold hands and feet frequently. and i'm super lazy to boil herbs to maintain good health. it's very time consuming.
since i have some income while having practical during the hols, tho not much, i try to get some hassle-free chinese med..

i just started to consume this, so the exact outcome i'm not very sure about it. hmm
but, it's kinda a torment. hmm... one bottle contains 14g of small pills. and i actually drank two glasses of water in order to finish this small stupid bottle of pills. i took more than 5times to empty the whole bottle =.=
normally in our daily living, 14g isnt significant at all. but when it comes to this, you'll realize how much is 14g....

this small bottle of med, i separate into two portions.
while for the chinese med above, imagine that i have to separate into more than five bigger portions.
and it's..... "yaiks!"+_+
wow!fyp = hydrology! pei fu pei fu..i *dislike* hydrology last time :D
haha easy to score le, no? haha... i dont like structure things leh swt i too stupid liao haha
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