Food of the day

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Apr 6, 2009


any sagittarius babies out there who are quiet????? may i know how you zip ur mouth??? blurb....

finally kicked stage fright off successfully, i guess..

when i started airing my opinion out in front of the chinese last night, i got a lil nervous, then back to the normal me after few minutes.
i was superb no feeling during the presentation this morning.

thanks to the few presentations i had these two weeks. aha~

yes! yes! yes! o_O thank God...

UTM-ians, it's actually just a merely 20minutes walk from the main gate[where the guards stop cars] to KTHO. near ey? hehe....^^

surveying test..... now i know, my test 2 is only officially over after this. gotta go take my questions liao....


*hope the busyness i'm having will prevent me from much thinking and more silver hair =P*

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