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Oct 7, 2010

i could agree no more with this!

i wanna "steal" a post from jfook. and i could agree no more with him! LOL~~~

and here it goes~

Actually I'm kinda sick of some people around me right now. If you don't know how bad this people could be, let me give you some examples of conversations that would cause me to smack them, kick their butts, or just pour acid on their face. (ok joking)

"Omg, I can't get A for this subject already! There are so many people got 90 above, and I'm 90 only!" (So you want me to praise that you got 90 or what? 90 still not enough, can you just die now?)

"I can't finish studying! How??" (I think you have been repeating the same lecture notes for zillions of times)

"How? No 4 flat this semester lah..." (Why you love 4 flat so much? Is 4 flat a type of drug or something? If yes, you're fucking addicted to it)

Now when I'm typing it, I feel like smacking them right away! (joking joking ok?)

How can this people so academically brought up, yada yada, first class is important if you wanna skip your master and here you go phD woots and employers would go "wow, wee, woots! when they get to see rows of As.

Ok, scoring A is an advantage of course. In many ways I suppose, at least you have something to show off to the world you're somehow belonged to the smart ass group and of course KIASU group too.

Not a bad thing though right?

I mean, who don't want to pass with flying colours in their exams, scoring As and get zillions of awards till you feel sien of it?

Lecturers and all academias in this entire world would definitely insist that "we don't want bookworm students, we want soft skills..and bla bla..."

True true...But eventually, what is the priority when they wanna judge a good student and a bad one? Of course, they will give credits to students who obtain straight As in their exams. I mean, academic is still the first impression whether you're SMART or you're DUMB. Soft skills, and all those stuffs will come later. (I'm not saying SOFT SKILLS are not important here)

This is what our society means to be right now.

If No A=DUMB, with As(must have as many As as possible)=Smart, becoming a doctor=Genius, I guess I'm in the middle of dumb and smart.

So I can go die now, cos I even fail to become a SMART person in my life.

But I'm not thinking that way, I always believe that, when there's will, there's a way. Yes, I might be doing pretty well academically, but there are so many people much better than me. If I care everyone and everything around me, I could die of prejudice and jealousy now.

I always convince myself, I should be contented with what I have now.Yes, knowledge is power. But hello, "A" is not power. You got "A" doesn't mean you have knowledge. It's just an alphabet after all.

You know, I always think that, perhaps I'm more dumb than others, but somehow, I've so many things that others do not have. My life is so much better than others in my uni, because I don't have to lock myself in the room for fucking 24 hours in the room to study. I can go hang out whenever I want cos I don't have to worry about my financial problems. When I have financial crisis (which is not crisis after all), I just call up my parents, and they would evacuate me from this so called crisis.

I'm not showing off.

Just that, sometimes when we were upsetting of our flaws like you think you're stupid, poor or ugly or whatever, it's time to dig out all the good things you have in yourself to convince yourself that your life is not so fuck up after all.

This is what I am doing now.

Perhaps I'm such a failure, but with all the convincing and stuffs, I think I'm doing good, not perfect, but GOOD.

My life is happier now.

I might be still dumb, ugly and whatever.....but at least I'm happy. You can envy me now. =P

P/S: I might be pointing so directly towards certain people. Don't hate me, because all in all, it's just a blog entry which voice out what I think towards life. HAHA. Chill yeah!


jfook said...

Ok, I would be happier if you mention my name instead of "this guy" HAHA. It's ok, I always love to write about my ideas and thoughts. Keep reading.

p a n d a said...

LOL ok ok...=))