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Apr 25, 2012

future engineer?O_O

is this what a future engineer will do?=.=
something wrong with the door knob. i couldn't close the door completely. and i don't have door oil. i even tried with baby oil =.= suddenly i remembered that i have quite a lot of rubber bands.. i did this. i thought the window has grill, initially wanted to tie to the grill. since there's no grill.... i end up like this =.=
the so called engineer =.= 

Apr 21, 2012

popo =D


然后给您和麻麻买间位于二楼的apartment或是landed house,让您享清福!!

Apr 16, 2012

2nd half of the semester

two more months....
hope to end it fast.
campus life is a torment. but need to try it once in a lifetime. *so awkward* =.=
two months without fishes to eat again. haiz

always forgot this and that whenever i came back to campus from home.
this time a bath towel.
and now i'm left with one. /.\

Apr 1, 2012

bye, march

went to church this morning and i saw holy communion in front there.
then i was like, "eh? today got holy communion leh..."
then my friend told me, "it's april ler..."
again, i was like, "oyahor......"
brain hasn't switched to april yet... tho knowing it's april fool today. =.=

time flies.
there the first quarter of the year gone. zzzz

it's april. means i left two months to complete my thesis.
oh God................T_T