ahoy there it's JULY! and finally it's week 9 of my internship. phewwwwwwwwwww........=.=
some bits and pieces about it then =)
the first few weeks it's about BQ (quantity take off). again. deng! nvm, better than shaking legs in the office.then last mth boss aka Mr Labaju
*eraser in Hokkien -.-* said that he has a project in hand, asked me to do design work. oh no~~~~~~~~~~
it's a detached house at Kota Samarahan there.
after some explaination, i started off with framing... framing is to frame the skeleton of the structural plans from architectural drawings.

this is sth like a meeting desk, where i did BQ and framing work.
the last desk, far behind in this pic, near to the room there, left hand side one.. is where i catch snake and do strutural analysis now. hehe

this is the roof plan

ground floor.

the first floor. boss asked me to do structural analysis on the first floor. half dead -.-

innocently thought that whatever lecturers taught is useful. and i brought two thick textbooks back here plus this handouts =.= =.= =.=

one of the softwares used for analysis -- STAADPRO. i'm so thankful not to pay UTM to teach me this. there are numbers of 2days short courses, whereby we have to pay, the most expensive is RM110++. and STAADPRO is one of them -.- and now my boss pays me allowance, i asked him how to use. muahahahahaa
this is another one, ORION. user-friendlier than the STAADPRO. hehehehe...

the third one, hopefully no more. hahahaha this is PROKON. not proTon ok~? hahahaathis is nicer than ORION... wheehee......
using Excel also though.. to counter check with Prokon.
and the most important one, AutoCAD.
i do hope that i wont be able to finish this project on my last day--29/8/2011. then i dont have to worry about the safety of the house XD XD XD
my internship supposed to last for 10weeks. but since the hols gonna be till mid of sept, so i extend the training period till end of aug.
it's not easy to be in the office and facing computer all times zzzzzzzz
i'd be flake out at the end of the day. i wake up before 7am, before my alarm rings -.- and starts to get sleepy at 9pm -.- and the routine goes on and on zzzzzzzz