darker. different contour among my face, neck and hand. didnt put on sunblock on neck as it's sensitive to it -_-"
it tiring. a nice experience tho. i actually learned everything taught in one semester in these 9 days.
conflicts always arises, where i'm always the correct one *not boasting, but the outcomes proved that*. i didnt want to talk much about it anymore. trying hard to be temper-less. so no much back stabbing here.
a total of 22groups with six people each. so yea, 132people joined.
9 days = 1 credit.
working hours : 830am-6pm, 830pm-12am
breakfast started at 7am. me and me roommate actually always arrived at the dining hall before the breakfast was ready.
meals provided people have to fight for it. doomed if u arrived late. u start eating late.
projects carried out in the morning. some groups redone some projects, while some couldnt finish the assigned task on the day itself. presentations and briefings at night.
the most stupid princess actually became ah sam and siao cha bo throughout the 9 days. basically, every chinese gurl were like tat.
gastric strike on a nite. i actually prepared a container full of medicine. from dettol to panadol, yet i forgot to stuff my gastric pills in. so yea, i escaped a nite listening to the presentation. well, the most stupid princess...XD
the unloading.
the tripod stand
first day's tea break.
the beach
yes! i forgot what were they doin....
equipment tests---first project
on the go for the site visit(around tat village) to carry out projects on the following days
the tasty tea break.
siao cha bo's expression after tasting the tea break..
ppl were in love with my hat. see wat can it do...
fan+hat+batik. ROFL
my bottle..........
berkobar-kobar wanted to go for traversing...*early in the morning*
the total station is more valuable than human. it's okay for human being not to be shaded,but a big mistake for it not to be shaded... this stupid thing costs a kenari..... or viva, if cheaper.
siao cha bo on day 2 after traversing..
the water supplied.... i nearly dehydrated there. barley tastes better...
our area for traverse survey. am now a pro doing this *smack! thick-facing* like 12d model very much.. ngee hee hee..
it's treasure hunt day..
ah tung is peeping someone............ nah,just bluffing. he's actually trying to see if the picket is centered not...*a procedure to level the prism*
this is wat u call treasure hunt. need to do mapping de... dont play play...
nice sunset ey...?
prof mushairry presenting the robotic total station. aka one-man-total station. costs three kelisas...
it has a controller. hence, people can do detailing and leveling alone. can reduce all kinds of errors also *thumbs up*
due to the keh kiang-ness of some dudes, kept busy with the 12d stuffs...

5mins test. this was unfair. 20 out of 22groups had nice soil to set up the total station. only mine and the one next to mine. our soil was SUPERB sandy. despite our efforts, the tripod stand will still move whenever we wanted to adjust it. this caused us to be lame in other's eyes. we can actually set up the total station in 5-7mins. due to the soil, we actually spent 7mins+ adjusting only the tripod stand. sien chin..... at last, i borrowed other group's station to complete the test. aha~ =P

soli,forgot to rotate the photo XD

last day liao.. wanna go back to campus liao.... everyone has the tee... very nice! as compared to last sem's. haha...
promoters of proton saga. tat's chin piao. very dark after the 8days sun. "where's my commission?????!!!"
me group leader, izwan

the chinese gurls. the one on my right, vrida is an exception. she's a bumi from sabah. *siaoting, xiaoxu, siewchin, yeeshian, vrida, me and connie*

chiawei, ah tung, connie, vrida, me, huihie.

9-day roommates.

always G2S1 *group2 section1*

this is wat u called I.S.--international student. matrix card on the beach. sweat long lonG...................
yes! finally finished with the uploading. tiring task.