Food of the day

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Jan 31, 2013


last day of january

so far still alive
so far still cool with my job
something that i wanted to do, wont be responsible after any lost lives XD

sometimes not cool with the surroundings
will need a change of environment when time comes

CNY is around the corner
used to have a long for something during this season
dunno why i dont have the same feeling this time
something that i long to have, but have no courage for it.
let it be~ let it be~ oh let it be~~ haha!!

still half crippled.
can walk better, but not without ankle guard.

what does God want me to do for Him this year?
pastor's wife did mention about joining the service for sunday school
well, did think of that quite some time ago. but that was when i was still busy with school things.
i did say that i would join serving team once i start work.
probably the time has come, as church is opening up training classes for sunday school teacher next month.
guess things would turn out well when i start serving God eh..

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